Four years down the line; it wasn't luck, it was destined.

in #celebration6 years ago

It's my graduation story


I really have no other choice left than to quit my erstwhile state of hibernation, and go ahead to express in micro-details, this present state of exhilaration. Taking a retrospective analysis of my life in the past four years, I am left with no option to proclaim publicly, that my admission and graduation from the University of Uyo were processes hijacked by Grace and Favour.

The initial experience upon gaining admission was nostalgic; bitter that I wasn't offered admission to study the course I desired, but at the same time, gladdened by the fact that I got an admission into a supplementary course all the same. I had cross-ticked a year outside the four walls already, so when the next opportunity struck, I needed no soothsayer to beg me to grab it.

I spent most of my first year in school trying to adapt to the entirely new academic environment I found myself. I made friends, knew lecturers, found adjustments, but then, my inner joy was still bleak from the fact that I was pushed into a cab when I needed a lambo ride. Simply put, I sought admission to study Architecture, but today, I'm a graduate of Technical Education.

Thank God for the calibre of mentors and counsellors I had then. I was at the verge of letting my 2014 admission pass by, same way I shoved away that of 2013, but the persistent counsel from men abreast with the times saw me pick up the course after several thoughts were accorded it. I vividly recollect the night when my mentor, Engr. Innocent Okafor spoke with every sense of admonishment, that I should give my new discipline my best shot, and yeah, I heeded his advice.

You see, there's something about people who possess and exhibit multiple talents and competencies. They are the naturally advantaged geniuses who unfortunately, turn out to be one of the most confused set of people at a stage in their life.

Somehow, I found myself in this shoe of confusion with regards to the profession I'd eventually settle for in future. In high school, I was good at Technical and Building Drawing, and as a result, Architecture stood tall in my mind's picture. Then it crossed my mind that I did well in English Language too, and that I used to write stories in Kiddies School.

Gbam, I should "be an author" That had been drummed into my ears since 1909. In SS2, my love and interest in Biology saw an unexplained escalation. I should have opted for a clinically inclined course of study, after all I attended an all Science College, but I spend most of my leisure time drawing and making stylish lettered designs - the key that eventually unlocked my fame at Science College, Abak.

The reality is that many young school leavers in our society today are unavoidably faced with this surmountable mountain of career choice.

As adolescents gradually approaching adulthood, career counseling and vocational guidance should be a right, and not something to be gambled with. The present day university system is enough to frustrate, and as such, our counsellors should try as much as possible to guide the up and coming ones against getting stuck in the mire of decisions.

Left to just me, I'd continue writing this seemingly endless epistle until my ink runs dry, but just before this piece gets boring, I'd love to utilize this moment and return all the glory to God who has been my anchor while this ship sailed the four turbulent seas. Two times, I was thrown aboard and sank so deep to the point of drowning, but the manner in which his mighty hand salvaged and brought me back on form remains a mystery.

I would have made special recognitions here, but I do not wish to elongate this post further. Few months from now, I and most of the '018 graduands won't be having frequent businesses around the University of Uyo again, but even as a graduate student, I still consider myself an active participant in the system. (as an alumnus)

To everyone who made it possible, stood by me, supported me in one way or the other and are today, celebrating with me, I thank you all immensely.

As the wisest man on Earth had rightly asserted,

"there is time for everything under the sun"

There existed a time when it all started, and now, the time is nigh for the son of man to depart.

The script you just read was a success story directed by God Almighty and written by @derovict (B.Sc.Ed)✓


Thanks for reading till the end.


I usually just scroll through and press the vote buton, but this was a good read. Thanks for not wasting my time!

Thank you for spending time to read me. I appreciate.