The universe is governed by four fundamental forces, or interactions. These forces are the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, and gravity. The first two forces work on the atomic level but we can observe gravity and electromagnetism every day. Without these four fundamental forces of nature working together, our world would break apart and float aimlessly into oblivion. The strongest of the four fundamental forces of nature is the strong nuclear force, also called the strong interaction.
I believe nurturing connection to this energy heightens quality of life. Through connecting, we attune to the vibratory rhythm of nature and ultimately our own self. Connecting lifts us to heights of awareness like no other force, and through my work, I attempt to relate. Purposefully through art, I make an effort to touch or refer, to capture this force, this frenetic energy of nature. I know the outcome can only translate or reference this energy at best, however in trying, I believe I can sometimes allude to this force in my work. And, if I’m lucky, my work may remind the viewer of his or her own personal experience with this energy’s essence, this natural force.











Nature is very important to us people. It gives us more value of who we really are if we just know how to connect ourselves to them.

yes this is true

These pictures are truly amazing ...they about how nature is beautiful

Very interesting fouzanhussain - I had not heard of the strong and weak nuclear forces before. SirKnight.

thank you sir it again an honour for me to have a comment from you

Interesting photos you've got here

Wow wonderful write up and pictures