DailyCelestialChallange: Wednesday-Structures

Hello, STEEMIT family receive a big hug @steemchurch, at#celestialchallenge today and the great initiative of @sirknight I will talk about “Wednesday-Structures”.



The Tower of Babel is a significant building mentioned in Genesis, which was built by men in time immemorial and is usually associated with the historic ztegt Etemenanki of the ancient city of Babylon.

This building, at the top of which was the Esagila, a temple dedicated to Marduk, originally had seven floors and more than 90 meters high, as has been believed so far, although a new study by the Spanish historian Juan Luis Montero, the University of A Coruña, suggests that, in reality, it would not have exceeded 60 meters, although few of its remains remain today.



The Tower of Babel is not only a key building in the Judeo-Christian tradition, mentioned in the Old Testament, but also belongs to the universal ideology and its history has transcended generations. But the legend of the tower rests on a reality, because in fact there existed in Babylon a construction of several floors and of unknown origin, which was already restored at the time of Nabopolassar (625-605 BC), founder of the Chaldean dynasty.

Even this construction was called Etemenanki, which can be interpreted as the mansion from above between heaven and earth, agreeing with the main interpretations of chapter 11 of Genesis that affirm about the construction of the tower, that men intended to reach Heaven.

Initially on Earth, only one language was spoken, understanding that it was of a universal nature. And it happened that when they had emigrated to the east, finding the plain in the land of Sinar, settling there. It was then that they began to plan the construction of a city and a tower that was very tall, that could touch the sky and make them famous.And they said to each other; Come on, let's make bricks and cozámoslos with fire. And he served them in brick instead of stone, and asphalt instead of mixing.



And Jehovah said: "Behold, they all form a people and all speak the same language, this being the beginning of their enterprises, nothing will prevent them from carrying out all that they set out to do." Well, let's go down and confuse their language. so they do not understand each other. Genesis 11: 6-7

Then Jehovah scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city, and they gave this name to the tower of Babel because there Jehovah confused the tongues of all the earth.

For more information, check his blog:


Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
Tuesday - animal kingdom