DailyCelestialChallenge sunday: light.

Happy and blessed day, thank you Lord, thank you @SteemChurch for awakening my mind, sweetening my heart, and giving birth to my talent for offering of our Lord God.




This was written by the great poet ELIAS CALIXTO POMPA and I feel great pleasure to share it with my esteemed readers in Steemit.
The relevance of these thoughts is the simplicity and humility with which these characters express so instructive words.

• And I am of the opinion and the experience teaches it, that will soften a rock tears of a woman.
Cervantes. 1547-1616.

• Faith, is to believe in what you do not see!
San Agustin. 354-430.

• The genius is composed of two percent talent and ninety-eight percent perseverance.
Beethoven 1770-1834.

• If the thorn is the weapon of the rose, the rose is the ambush of the thorn.
Andrés Eloy Blanco. 1898 - 1955•

To the one who loves me I love and to the one who forgets me I forget
Calderón de la Barca 1800 - 1681.

• A part of the town can be deceived all the time, and all the town a part of the time, but you can not
deceive all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln. 1809 - 1865.

• Ordinary people do not pray, just ask!
Bernard Shaw 1856 - 1950.

• There has never been a good war or a bad peace.
Benjamin Franklin. 1706 - 1790.

• When a wolf strives to be right, poor lambs.
• Aesop. VI century

• The habit of talking always and about all kinds of issues, is a sign of ignorance and bad manners.
Epicurus 341-270.

• The happy man is one who, being king or peasant, finds peace in his home.
Goethe. 1749 -1832.

• Wine night, dog eyes and deer hearts!
Homer. 7th century.

• Freedom costs very expensive and it is necessary to resign oneself to living without it or to decide to pay its price.
Jose Marti. 1853 - 1895

• Skill and cunning are the weapons of weakness.
Machiavelli 1469-1527.

• The law should be like death, which does not exempt anyone.
Montesquieu. 1689 - 1755.

• You will never know who your friends are until you fall into disgrace.
Napoleon Bonaparte. 1769 - 1821.

• A historian is a prophet in reverse.
Ortega y Gasset. 1833 -1955.

• In general, people often call destiny their own nonsense.
Schopenhauer. 1788 - 1860.

• Silence is a friend who never betrays.
Confucius. 551-479.

A man without study is an incomplete being.
Simon Bolivar. 1783-1830.

• Wealth is being able to feel the aroma of a flower, and to know how to share it
Machado 1950.--

Gen 1. 3.4
And God said: Let there be light, and there was light.
And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.

For more information, check his blog:


Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are: