Confronting Your Fears


FEAR means Force Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is the absent of faith.
Fear is our human reaction to the trials that we will face in this life.

Fear not for the struggles you face in this moment: be it money, relationships, war, or hunger. These are impermanent and temporary concerns that plague every member of the human species regardless of wealth or power or prestige.
Don't let fear paralyze you and keep you from moving to achieving your dreams.

Some of the things we fear most are


The Unknown




Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.

The fear of the unknown, how will tomorrow be, how am I going to make it in life. Fear not for our God is not a man. Don't Fear disappointment because God will never disappoint you, He has never disappoint before, He won't start now.
The fear of death, according to the Bible that with long life will He satisfy me, the fear of rejection, if the world reject us, God will never reject us because He said in His word said fear not for am with you always till the end of time.
Each time fear comes into my thoughts I confront it with the word of God.


Fear causes us to refuse to embrace change because we care more about being comfortable than being conformed into the image of Christ.
Fearful thoughts attract more fear. Positive thoughts attract success. Instead of expecting the worst, train your mind to expect the best. Make positive assumptions about your future.

Hold yourself accountable. Be consistent, be prepared, be dependable, and focus on solutions.
Be innovative, take the initiative, and go the extra mile. If you don’t take action despite your fear, opportunity will pass you by.


"Taking a new step... is what people fear most."

Don't be afraid of taking a new step,
If you want to know happiness and realize your dreams, you have to be willing to take a leap of faith despite being afraid.
Focus your attention on being ready, willing, and prepared for the beauty, wonder, connections, good fortune, and favorable circumstances that are yours if you are willing to work and be open to it.


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