Green's Prairie Cemetery
#Cemeteryphotos Challenge by @melinda01010
I've used the tag #cemeteryphotos. If you have some cemetery photos, use the tag and feel free to post your photos or links in the comments and I'll do my best to upvote them.
Green’s Prairie Cemetery is a time vault of the prairie plants that once covered the south central Wisconsin prairie. Because it was used as a cemetery starting in 1845, it was never plowed and fencing kept out cows. Today the cemetery is still covered with prairie plants such as compass plant and bluestem.
The prairie is burned every spring to help control invasive species and to make it easier for people to find the graves of their ancestors. Metal shields and plenty of water prevent damage to the gravestones.
There are believed to be a hundred and thirty-seven people buried here, including two veterans from the War of 1812 and veterans from the Civil War and their families.
University of Wisconsin classes visit the cemetery to see a slice of native prairie.
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Interesting cemetery, nice photographs.
One does not think of a cemetery as a 'time vault' but it does make sense.
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Thanks, Pix! 😘
All cemetery structures are good
nice clicks.
please can you upvote my photos & follow me. i will follow you. thank you.
Asking for upvotes and follows will get you blocked. Be careful.
Are photos about graves allowed to use tags? for example, other photos may use it.
Yes! Use the tag. And post the link in the comments here so that I don't miss seeing yiur photos.
thank you, i will try
Postingan yang terkesan dan bersejarah,, Woow post,, saya sangat kagum dengan postingan anda yang begitu menarik dan sangat Keren,, postingan anda memang selalu bagus bagus dan bisa memberi inspirasi bagi orang orang,, Thank you @melinda010100
What a nice thing to say! I appreciate your kind words!
Awesome! Really neat to see a bit of prairie that hasn't been broken by the plow. I would really enjoy checking this out
Nygren Wetlands has a beautifully restored prairie near me, but I don't know of any other original pieces of prairie land. “What a thousand acres of Silphiums looked like when they tickled the bellies of the buffalo is a question never again to be answered, and perhaps not even asked.”- Aldo Leopold
poignant quote :(
Good afternoon. I like your publications. Thank you
Thank you! I appreciate that you stopped by!
That's a very strange way of keeping the cemetery in shape. Must be nice, such an old please!
Prairie fires are the natural way of things. There are plants rhat require the heat from fire for the seed pids to open. That cemetery was there a few years before Wisconsin even became a state.
howdy there melinda010100! that is such an interesting graveyard! But then at that age it would be wouldn't it? and so interesting how they handle the native plants there. very cool post!
It is of a kind sort of place!