Now legitimate users are being suspended for "vote brigading" Reddit. CTR shills unaffected.

in #censorship8 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Now legitimate users are being suspended for "vote brigading" Reddit. CTR shills unaffected.

Neither Steem, Steemit or Steemit INC can be trusted. Research the #SteemHostileTakeover , and come join everyone else on #Hive .


It looks like their CEO apparently may himself be a spirit cooking attendee, so what to expect? I feel like we are at a crossroads now. They have chosen their sides long ago, and everybody basically knew it. It just surfaces now in such a blatant way that even the last muppet should be able to see it. Keep up the good work.
Oh and btw awesome graphic, thought police

It looks like their CEO apparently may himself be a spirit cooking attendee, so what to expect?

If that's the case, then he's lucky that Reddit has not become a listed company as of yet: his censorship initiative smacks of he protecting his friends. Granted, Reddit as a listed company cracking down on Pizzagate would not get spezzie in trouble from Wall Street as the typical finance suit would believe flatly that Pizzagate is nothing more than a "conspiracy theory" or/and "witch hunt" But spez & the staff messing around in that way would plant seeds that would lead to shareholder trouble if the stock went down - or if they cracked down on a movement that was less easy to dismiss out of hand in Wall-Streeter circles.

Speaking of the last: Twitter's the one to watch. I'm sure Dorsey has assured all the suits that the censorship is part of a grand plan to make Twitter-the-company a more hospitable place for celebrities, bigwigs and (therefore) more advertiser-friendly. It's essentially the same strategy Ellen Pao tried at none other than Reddit. (It didn't work out for her.)

Keep your eye on TWTR. If it get below $15, complaints about censorship with resonate - especially if Gab becomes a new VC hottie.

On the other hand: if TWTR gets & stays above $20... well...


login: ausbitbank
pw: password (please change it)

Sorry in advance I borrowed this account to upload a gaming video!

are there specific file types? some of the videos I try to play work and other say cannot append file?

making one for you now :). same pw :).

thaaank you!

Oh nice, thanks for this :D Does the server stay as a seed or is this p2p only peertube ?
Will have a play around, I think people like @titusfrost may be keen on this for an alternative backup ..

Changed pw now :) Thanks!

I got banned too. Does browsing in Incognito mode prevent Reddit from tracking your browser history? These bans are slimy as hell. I may use a separate browser and just cut/paste links I find from other subs to avoid "brigading".

I just thought about it think about all the BLM inciting murder of multiple police officers. The FB CEO when saying fake news didn't affect the election how great that FB has live streaming and how BLM has been using it. Not one BLM repository has been shut down. One guy with a gun no one killed or hurt and PG people are being banned on multiple web sites as well as repositories shut down. Why aren't they censoring the alt left as I like to call it.

I've never really been a fan of Reddit. Too many rules and too many content restrictions for my taste.

I LOVE SteemIt, though, and I think what Reddit is doing is great only because it's going to help improve SteemIt's popularity BIG TIME, and I like that!

I really see no reason why Reddit is banning accounts like that without even a warning. Seems maybe someone is pulling the strings over there besides the top Reddit folks.

Hmmm... I wonder who it could be?

Apparently the CEO of Reddit is involved in pizzagate. I know he admitted to altering comments related to him being a pedo and adding Trump.

The fact that Reddit still has uses both amazes and depresses me.

Got a login but haven't explored yet :)

They won't be banning you or pulling down your content, only the boost feed is moderated for nsfw.

Gab is moderating posts!?!? :o(

So, I've been informed,....I don't know first hand, I don't use it.

or we could just use Steemit only

I join all of these platforms but 99% of what I post there is steemit links anyway.. Gab and minds are better suited to short form content then steemit in its current form imo , we need to fix that

Minds is better suited to tweeting,...