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RE: Are Blockchains Really Censorship Resistant?

in #censorship8 years ago

All modern currencies had their root in honest money that was held accountable by physical limits on the supply of gold and silver. It was only after they secured control over the transfer of gold and silver that they were able to abuse the privilege. @dantheman

The traditional gold standard involved a government entity (a central bank like the Federal Reserve system, the Reserve Bank of India or the Bank of England issuing paper or fiat based on gold or silver.

As you so astutely point out, governments have abused the privilege, after they reinforced their control over even a private citizen's gold & silver. Even if America can somehow get back onto the "gold standard" who is to say how long this gold standard would last? How long would sound, honest money last on a new Federal Reserve gold standard?

Goldmoney's Aurum tech has enabled a global personal gold standard. Everyone on the planet now has a choice in money.