Goodbye Internet. Hello Intranet. UK Gov silences the rest of the world.

in #censorship7 years ago

It's a sad day, when a first world country thinks it's a GOOD thing to be the "leader in regulation of the internet". As the UK continues with it's oppressive regime, laws such as the Digital Economy Act ruining adult media, complete and utter loss of privacy thanks to RIPA, and now it gets so much worse.

"Some people say that it is not for government to regulate when it comes to technology and the internet," it states. "We disagree."

In the next year, the UK will likely be cut off from the rest of the world, in the same way that North Korea is. No longer will we be able to communicate with our friends in the US, Asia, and Europe. A complete and utter echo chamber.

Image source:

Because that's what she wants. Theresa May, who was our previous Home Secretary (a fancy word for "government head of destroying privacy"), ended up our Prime Minister (president) after David Cameron quit.

Despite her new role being focused on the entire country, instead she's using it to push through more and more ridiculous breaches of privacy. Soon, as they cut us off from the rest of the world, we probably won't even be able to use VPNs or TOR.

After May cuts off our communication with the outside world, it's likely she might go further, possibly imposing travel bans to "prevent international terrorism", and giving more power to the GCHQ (the UK's NSA).

If the Conservative party wins the election this June, it's likely that we won't be competing with other European countries for standards of living, rather, North Korea. She plans on making the UK "the global leader in the regulation of the use of personal data and the internet".

If you're a UK citizen. For the love of the internet, DO NOT VOTE FOR THE CONSERVATIVES. Please. Any other party. It's likely that Steemit would be considered "too open" and banned within the next few years in the UK, should Theresa May stay in power.


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Good read m8

I'm dreading the results tomorrow!

This is indeed terrifying. A couple of years ago I read a book called, Civilization:The West and the Rest by Niall ferguson. He does a good job explaining the world in the 1300. If you were to look at the world back then, comparing Europe to China, you'd have never believed Europe would be the one dominating the world for the next 500 years. The reason China failed, at a time it was more advanced than everyone else, was because it decided to close itself in from the outside world. Europe, on the hand, focused on exploration, international trade and thrived. Reading this worries me that Europe will make the same mistake China did 700 years ago.

I suspect this might backfire somewhat!

That's an epic poster.

These rules come from, & has to be approved by Elizabeth. Their queen is not pleased with "Pandora's Box" telling all their secrets as it has & shall continue to do. So, she is shutting the people down and readying them for more tyranny. Only this time she will bend them over that golden carriage of hers.

I have already voted your post but now I have time to reply. I am not able to vote but in the same time I won't vote her. A person that was elected because after Cameron left she was saying that was against the Brexit and once elected she changed mind. Now this bad new that I wasn't aware of... disgusting only disgusting.
Don't forget that all the incentives for Renewable energy have been cut off... I mean instead of a progression I can only see a regression.
Poor us mate... we are at the same level of North Korea now :(

Good Lord, I thought the USA was bad enough since our private data has just gone up for sale, due to the idiot Rump barrelling that law through.....what the fuck is happening?

Does it mean that you could not also access websites outside UK?

That's pretty much the point. Imagine how China uses their own services like Baidu instead of Google, WeChat instead of Whatsapp/Telegram, etc.

Something similar could happen here, in order to make it easier for the government to control our communication.

I read this piece a few days ago, was also planning to make a post about this proposal. Privacy is something we must keep, we have to hold on to. This idea gives me the feeling we are going back to the times people were not allowed to say anything, censorship on everything that is written.

I agree, please make sure this does not happen!

about the Porn Prohibition

No worries - neither the internet or porn can be censored and any attempt to do so will just create better bypass channels.

Worry about internet censorship is in itself fear porn. Neither Jacob Rotchild, nor "the queen" can even censor torrents let alone porn (if they really want to)

This is my most popular webpage out of 1200:

I do not believe UK will be cut off from world. I like that we focus more and more on internets and modern ways. But take with pinches of salt of what UK govs declare. It is only words and the people have more power than they often realise. The people will not let UK get into such a state. Certainly nothing close to North Korea!

Plus i feel it very unlikely Torys will win election.

I suppose we just have to sit back and wait for it to unravel, deal with problems as they occur. Try not to worry/think about worse case scenarios. Else you will lose your mind trying to guess outcomes. Stay calm. Carry on ;)