Facebook As Political Censor. They Have Now Blocked Me From Posting To My Own Profile And All Groups - With No Explanation.

in #censorship7 years ago (edited)

The saga of Facebook and Youtube's control of the free flow of information continues - breaking principles of free speech and good business practice as they go. Why would they do this if they are just here to make money and provide services? Well, it's because they aren't here for those reasons, they are here to be used as tools of social control and manipulation.

As you can see in the previous video I uploaded, I have documented how my comments have been censored by both Google and Facebook, preventing me from sharing URLs with people online - with no explanation being given by either company and no attempt being made to advise me on how to fall in line with their policies. Given that the material I share typically exposes corporate lies and government crimes, it is reasonable to deduce that the absence of justification from these companies is due to them not having any valid justification and that they are simply shutting down free speech for political/philosophical/economic reasons.

In this video, I show how Fakebooc have upped their control by now not even allowing me to post to my own timeline and also not to groups.. They just hide the textbox used to make posts after I click in them! Again no explanation given.

I attempted to share my previous DTube video about FB censorship with a friend on FB and it was completely invisible to him!

▶️ DTube

This Bloomberg news cut it. Please check it out.

“I feel like I’m in the Stone Age when I’m on Facebook or Twitter,” -Kadavy

The shepherd don't want a wolf in his own backyard. :)

Shared on Facebook. Are we really surprised? Sad fuckers. But it could be seen as an opportunity to use things like steemit instead. The smart ones will move over here whilst its still small and then reap the rewards.

Thanks - absolutely, yes - these things are catalysts to making better choices (negative is the mother of evolution). Unfortunately, it takes some organisation and effort/energy to get this message out to other people and I am very tired of trying to do that.

check teh comment on facebook on my page

I have replied there.

I can see several of my comments in the thread on your FB profile have been marked as spam and hidden from everyone else. More concerning though is that I posted at least 3 links to evidence to back up my claims and they are all now totally gone from your page.

I would just see it as you have unlocked a new achievement. They wouldn't be censoring you if they didn't think your message was powerful and capable of spreading rapidly. I see it as a last effort of them grasping for straws.

I have no issue posting, but I do think my posts aren't getting the natural visibility that they would be if the algorithms weren't targeting alternative ideas.

I have noticed that when I link to Steemit on fb mess-enger, it won't attach. I was pretty much only holding onto fb in order to steemspam it. Now, it is really time to scrape my wall of all the pictures etc that I want to keep, and delete the profile. I did used to use it to sell my wares, but that wasn't tremendously lucrative, last time I sold a festival belt, the sbd I made was worth three times the sales amount.

The longer I stay off of fascistbook, the more I wonder about the hundreds of "friends" I have on there...They seem to exist in some AI world I cannot relate to.

The very first time I linked to Steemit on Facebook it was blocked as spam - I think that may have marked the start of all this actually.

I have long abandoned Facebook, for my own reasons. But I did not know about such information about Facebook, which you provided to us in your article. Unfortunately, in a political society, in some social networks - do not like it when people are free to talk about what they think. As a result, social networks include censorship and decide what we can talk about and what we can not talk about. Everywhere a ban and restriction. I hope, Steemit, until such a situation does not affect.

I'm with you. It is clear that Goo gle, Fake book and Utube are censoring conservatives. Some of the really good critical thinkers are getting banned from Utube and coming here. It is such a fascist thing to do, I think we should be angry that this control is being put on us. Sickening.

Sorry to hear about this. At least we have freedom here. Wanted to send you a vote anyway as I just found Steem Ocean via @katerinaramm. Cool to see the self-voters highlighted.

Thanks, yes - this is a good space for now. :)
Steem Ocean will expand considerably over the coming weeks :)

FB will soon realize that they too can be like MySpace and vanish. they think they are too big right now but the more people get frustrated with them and leave the more they loose growth. They are in essence cutting off their nose in spite of their face. It is only a matter of time.

They, like many similar companies, seek to stay relevant using every possible option. I happen to know they have even been researching robotics!

Have you heard about Minds.com? They will add crypto as a reward soon so if you mainly use Fb as a way to share your opinion on the topics you mentioned, maybe you should just do it there. Fb is a 0 free speech crap site anyways.

The only reason I'm still on Fb is because a few close friends are there and that's where we chat, if they will be elsewhere, I'll simply stop using it. And I bet many other people think like this too.

Also, it's good to see the recent news about Fb losing users heavily, mainly the younger generation, for now. :):)

I know the CEO of Minds and was offered a job there before it was really known since my own site uses the same software that Minds initially used. I turned them down because I was busy and because I didn't really think their capabilities were cutting edge enough.

Thank you for sharing Minds.com. I was unaware of that site, though I think that Steemit will fill the bill for me. I happen to have mostly liberal friends so I can't say what I think anyway. Such a social taboo to stand up for your country these days.