Love in dusk
Because dusk never asks you to wait.
Twilight also teaches, the beautiful will surely drown. - unknown.
Dusk never hesitate to teach about releasing and sincerity.
Twilight taught us that any bit of time is precious.
Dusk taught us that something that ends, not always beautiful
Because dusk always receive the sky as it is
Honey .. beautiful sunset we can not enjoy because the rain comes back ..
Why dusk sounds more romantic than dawn.
What because the memorable farewell than the meeting.
Thanks bg @amieryonk, asal dari mana bg ??
Lhokseumawe bg..
Abg dari mana..?
Sama lhokseumawe juga, serang blog aku bg hehe :p @amieryonk
Oke beres bg
Saya serang skrng wkwkw
Udah di followback ya bg @amieryonk
Udh pernah dicairin uang nya bg @agmalirsadi
Baru juga 3 hari lalu join bg@amieryonk ....
Tp ada kawan aku yg udah beberapa kali cairkan . Tiap 7hari sekali dicairkannya
Pencairan nya lewat apa bg @agmalirsadi, uang yang bisa dicairkan berapa syaratnya bg..?