Ten truths and one lie – the big reveal
This was really interesting, and more than a little bit disconcerting. The things you people think I’ve done is just is just amazing!
So let’s look at the first list:
- I am shorter than I was last year - TRUE
- I lie about my height - TRUE
- I’m an award winning writer of fiction - TRUE
- I have been grizzly bear hunting armed only with an old Russian camera - TRUE
- I have climbed up the outside of a three storey building to steal a TV aerial - TRUE
- I’ve had a motorcycle licence since I was fifteen years old - FALSE
- I have rafted the Zambezi river just below Victoria Falls - TRUE
- In my first ultra marathon I set a new course record - TRUE
- I have spent time in prison, on death row - TRUE
- I have abducted people - TRUE
- I once had a dog that weighed more than I did – TRUE
@crispier-bacon – was the first to guess correctly. I’ve actually never had a motor cycle licence
On to the second list
- I was once hunted by the police with my arrest mandated at the highest level – at that time NZ’s most wanted man – TRUE
- I was captured by the S.A.S – TRUE
- On my first day at work I deleted a client’s entire website and had no idea how to get it back – TRUE
- I can tic-tack on a skateboard, doing a handstand – TRUE
- My record for doing press-ups is 72 press-ups in 48 seconds, on my knuckles – TRUE
- I have spent time on the run from British Immigration – TRUE
- I have a third nipple, just under my left armpit – FALSE
- I have stayed in a lighthouse – TRUE
- I have been bitten by a snake – TRUE
- I have ridden a wild elephant – TRUE
- I have swum with a crocodile – TRUE
No-one got the lie I this list.
I only have the standard issue two nipple set.
And then there was list three
- I have been shot at, by people using my own rifle – TRUE
- I have had seven people in a two sealer sports car – TRUE
- When I was born my no-one knew where my father was – TRUE
- I have penetrated security at a military installation during a state visit
- I have fought a gypsy knife fight against a woman disguised as a man, and lost – TRUE
- I have had a hangman’s noose placed around my neck and been hoisted into the trees by some drunk men, to the applause of their equally drunk friends – TRUE
- I am left handed – TRUE
- I ate snails in Crete on my honeymoon (and yes, there were disgusting) – FALSE
- I once ran over my own arm while driving a go-cart – TRUE
- I have been shot in the head, in the same spot, three times – TRUE
- I have walked on a glacier – TRUE
No-one got it right in this list either.
I haven’t been to Crete, or as my wife often reminds me, on honeymoon. But you can be sure when I do, I won’t be eating snails!
So @crispier-bacon is the only one to get the 5SBD for guessing correctly.
When you look at the lists like that, it’s been an interesting life so far, huh? And there is so much more I haven’t told you about. And still more I CAN’T tell you about. Hehe.
Thanks for playing the game. I might do another list in the future. But I think I’ll have to get up so some more hijinks first.
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Who else can tell you stories about impersonating an officer, stealing a military aircraft to go on a booze run, or steal military aircraft and go on an unsanctioned bombing run - and that's all before he turned 18!
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I wish I could have voted but with inside information, it wouldn't have been fair, that only one person picked your fibs.
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Wow, you see once I figured out you were actually left-handed the rest of them made a lot more sense.
there is a certain amount of logic in that hehehe
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What about the ones who guessed wrong on all 3.. haha
That would be pretty much everyone hehehe
Very true haha
so many of these truths make sense now....so many. The gun shots to the head help as well. You've lived a very interesting 007 secret spy kind of life. Maybe you need to write a book about the adventures of running over your hand go carting while trying to evade the SAS.
It was interesting building the lists. And then I saw another post and reaIised haven't even said anything about the ghosts....
Yes, you must....that's a very important part of your story. :)
Now I'm curious about the kidnappings, jailings, etc etc.....did you write about these experiences?
And that's the other really funny thing......... no-one even asked!!
All those weird things, and no-one said, Hang on - you were NZ's most wanted man? What did you do? How did you get off death row?
There is a distinct lack of curiosity amongst Steemians hehehehe.
I haven't written about any of that stuff, and give the lack of interest while the competition was on, I wasn't going to bother.
But if you are interested, I'll divulge some of the adventures I've been on ;-)
And maybe tell you about the many ghosts from the past......
I would love to hear your stories!!! Seriously! I picked up on that theme while reading the 10 truths and a lie and realized these must be true because they all seemed to fit even though it sounded impossible. I didn't want to ask in case there was a security issue or if it was part of your past you didn't want to divulge.
Big props for the original post had a fun time making my guesses. Appreciate the 5SBD.
Wowzers. You've lead a colorful life. Also i'm glad you "just" have the standard two nipple installment. Me too.
Also i misread that initially and thought you said uou ATE NAILS. Lmao.
Did you really set a course record on your first ultra? Because I feel like i don't remember you saying that but if so.... congrats
Oh? You wont even try thm like you said?