I Had fear of Death until i smoked DMT

As most of you may know who follow my blog there are two things in my life that i am into.....art and spirituality. I am avid artist and i consider myself a lover of all artistic expression. My spirituality (not religion) is pure in that it is my own, although i have used guides such as Buddhism and Numerology as a jumping point to reach my own understanding of life and death.
This is my trip report of an experience i had last year while smoking a form of DMT known as "Changa".
What is DMT?
For who ever might not know what DMT is..i'm not going to go into a deep explanation. Simply put, DMT (diemethlytryptamine) is a naturally occuring psychedelic compound that is found in nature such as trees, grass, and root bark. DMT can also be found in the human body, and it is used by your body during REM sleep cycles to keep your brain active. Which is why our dreams can seem very surreal...every night when everyone goes to sleep, we have a mild psychedelic trip. DMT has also been used for thousands of years in ancient cultures as a spiritual practice.
If you want to learn more about what DMT does and is check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6RBOIgtzEE
What is Changa?
Changa is a blend of different herbs mixed in with the grass, root bark or leaves that contain the DMT molecule. Changa is usually smoked in a bowl or a gravity bong and the experience you will have lasts about 15 to 20 minutes.
My experience
Initially my wife was with me and i had video recorded the entire experience with my iPhone but somehow i lost the video because my iPhone crashed. I was very upset because this experience is hard to recap with words but i will try my best to paint a picture for you.
My changa was mixed with dmt, passion flower, and calea zacatechichi aka "the dream herb"....first I filled my bowl with a little bit of cannabis, just a pinch so i could cover the hole...then on top of that i packed about 100mg of changa.
It is recommended that when you smoke DMT, that you take the longest hardest pull you possibly can on the bowl, and then hold in the smoke as long as you can, then exhale...
I sat in my computer chair at my desk, nervous as fuck about what i was getting ready to willfully put myself though. I had heard all the stories about people smoking DMT and being sent to a parallel universe or some kind of other dimension. The idea was intriguing, but also extremely scary.
My wife turned on the video recording......i looked at her, took a deep breath and i lit the bowl and took the hugest hit i possibly fuckin' could from it (and i have asthma so it wasn't easy). The changa smelled like shit, a very pungent smell...but i held that smoke in as long as i could. When i exhaled i could already feel the changa starting to work on my brain, but i knew i still need another hit or maybe 2.
I lit the bowl back up and again took a deep inhale and held the smoke in as long as i possibly could. Yo...before i could even get the exhale completely out of my body i felt something....something like a jolt of lightning shooting up my spine and right into my brain.
Dudes and Dudettes i kid you not, i don't know what the fuck was happening to me but my entire body went into a convulsive state. I was shaking uncontrollably and everything in the entire room was shimmering and spinning around, i felt like i was spinning but i was sitting right there. I felt like i was being sent through a biological vortex of some kknd... I could not control anything that was happening, which normally i would not have liked... but "I" ceased to exist in this moment, "I" which is my own ego was not even fully aware of what was happening....It almost felt good to give in to a power that was stronger than me, it felt good to let go completely and have something take control over me,..it felt fucking GOOD...
All of this happened in about 15 seconds of time..but it felt like an eternity....and the next thing i knew.....i was home.
Home...it's hard to explain what this shit felt like and what i managed to gather while i was there. I felt removed from my body completely, i didn't even have a thought of being in a body or being a person. I felt alien.....All i could see were blue orbs of light surround me in every direction. But the light was not stationary, it was organic..it was alive some how.
The light looked like something out of a fantasy novel, shaped like how human eyes are shaped..except these orbs of light were gigantic..and they were radiating a hum and making a sound. A sound i could not even try to re-create for you. I felt amazed at what i was seeing, and that somehow the blue orbs were able to communicate to me without having to use any words.
They told me "Welcome Home"
I wasn't scared either, it felt like home....its so hard to put this into words, and i've never tried before. But it felt so close to home that i didn't want to leave from this place. And the whole time the energy..the blue orbs were communicating with me, things about life and death.
My wife was recording the entire thing, and she was trying to ask me questions (which i found out afterward), but i couldn't even hear her. it's like i wasn't even there in my actual body anymore.
Suddenly, everything kind of cleared up..gradually but almost instantaneously which was weird....it seemed like i was only gone for a few seconds, maybe 1 minute...but it had been 15 minutes!!! Still being recorded, it's like i came out of it already talking and saying shit about what i saw.....i started to talk about life and death. And how as people we do not know what is really out there...but there is SOMETHING. Death was only a passage way into another form of life, and i felt compelled to feel this way..it was heavy on me. Death has always been something i have not appreciated, for obvious reasons.
But after this trip man.......death has become for me something i look at with an open and clear mind. it is something that i welcome into my life, because i know it is coming whether it is welcome or not. Death is something we all have to be comfortable with, and for a long time i wasn't. This trip was so mind blowing man, i can't even begin to express how much it did for me and what its done for me and my out look on life and spirituality. Since then i've even written a song about my experience with changa the name of the song is called "changa chunga" and i am going to be releasing that soon.
This is part of the reason why i advocate psychedelic medicine so much, there are parts of our mind that are so untapped..and we have no idea of the potential that lies within. I am not sure when my next DMT trip will be, but probably real soon..next time i will make sure to save the video and post it up for you guys though.
If anyone is thinking about doin DMT, remember do your research first..make sure you are ready for something like this. It is a life changing experience, and your mind should be in a good state when you do this..so just be sure you are ready. Thanks for reading this blog, peace and bliss everyone!

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Well, when you do DMT correctly, you essentially experience death. Well hypothetically.
@matt-a yes!!
and it felt fucking GOOD
BBL. Going to kill self now.
@matt-a lmaoooo noooO!!!
As a fellow cosmic self, I ask only to extend your ruminations...does love transfer over to the afterlife? Does fear?
And if psychedelic synthetic chemical intake via lung absorption vs. biomechanically regulated pineal gland natural release allows a glmpse to the spirit realm, does one become a 'new' being?
i believe love transcends all dimensions of existence.... fear i am not so sure of, but love is something i feel the universe is "made out of" ..hard coded into the dna of the universe. I feel like fear is a human emotion....love ...is not even an emotion, it is...just is...
And i am not sure i would call changa synthetic..it is not compounded in a lab. everything in changa is naturally occuring..
now if were talking about 5-meo-dmt, then i'd have to say..im not sure about the new being thing.
Changa is naturally occurring? Thanks for the info. Sending ❤️🕉🙏🏽
Just checking you out;) . Just followed.
changa is only a mixture of herbs and roots, so yes it is natural :D
Yea that sounds like less than a breakthrough dosage unfortunately... When i use about 50mg in a proper piece, feels like I'm gone for months.
Don't b afraid, your spirit guide will find you and keep you safe on your journey!
WOW Man!!! That is absolutely ridic! My dad and I will take DMT some day when I am older, so it's cool I have another thing in common with you!
Funny that you mention that. Your dad sounds like a pretty cool guy. Heh.
Check him out @theprophet!
Oh! Hahaha. That's convenient. I'll take a look. ^^
bro..a young man like yourself i know will appreciate the experience immensely!
and to be able to do it with your father? that my friend is a huge HUGE blessing! We do have much in common and i'm sure there will be much more bro,
age means nothing, when the mind is alike!
Amen, I wish I had such a dad :)
Well.. he did shrooms once, and pot a few times, pretty good tbh :)
Hahahaa. 😁 @rondonson has def inculcated an idea into us 'cause I want to try DMT so bad now...open up that Third Eye and see things beyond average reasoning
Hell yeah!
@trillex yes bro...yes we all need to scrape off the dust from our pineal gland every once in a while...
this world shades it over too much.
Wow, incredible - thanks for sharing your experience. I've been researching DMT for spiritual purposes for a while and what you reported was fascinating.
The beings welcomed you and death doesn't seem so scary after all because you have already lived and are welcomed home.
exactly bro.... it is the most crazy feeling to give into a power that is stronger than you and NOT BE SCARED OF IT!
that stuff took a hold of me and i didnt give a shit man....i let it take me , and when it did...it was all good!
Yes, it's the ego death, being one with the cosmos.
Thanks for sharing this, it's good to know that you should let go of the control and just let the overwhelming power take over.
here i share my experience on darkness retreat ..Blessings
That is interesting! Most people are scared of dying, but it would be funny if after we die we'd go there and be thinking - Damn, if I knew it was like this I would have come a lot sooner-lol!
@silver-saver hahahahahah
i always have this kind of thought! its true too...who knows that shit might be the best thing since sliced bread..i guess we ALL will see!
Nice post ... thank you
youre welcome :D
I've watched a few videos on dmt. Always been fascinated by it. Is it addictive? Not in the heroine or nicotine sense, but in a marijuana sense. I've never physically been addicted to marijuana, but I want it at times for the feeling it gives. Will you do it again or was it a once is enough kind thing? I'm guessing it's not something you'd do weekly. I'm definitely following you, I love stories like this. If you do it again, make sure to video and make a blog post with it. Lol. Cool story!
least addictive thing ever imo...gives instant respect for it and oneself, on the subject of how often i personally smoke some about every year or so really gives perspective on where your at and where you need to be.
Good to know. Do you think it plays off your emotions or current state? Like if you're in a bad place in life and mad or sad, will it accentuate it?
i dont think thats completely true for DMT, because you kind of remove yourself from human attachment and emotions....
but still, i wouldnt try it if i was in a bad state mentally or emotionally just because my experience with psychedelic medicines tells me i shouldnt..
Got it. Thanks for the info!! Please tag me if you ever get that video posted. Lol
100% if your not in a good place i recommend not doing it....but on the inverse it can actually make you process it all real quick...i have watched friends who have done in a bad mental state and watched them process 5years of stress and hurt in 10mins on DMT...so really its all in the hands of the person using it. I recommend watching a movie called "Spirit Molecule" amazing film captures the essence of DMT really well.
good questions to man :)
hey, no it is not addictive at all....in fact i think any body would WANT to space out the time they do it, because it is so intense....
But no it is not addictive at all. I havent done it for a year after this experience.. It is something i would want to do probably once every couple of months, because one experience is enough to think about for a while. I will make sure to post a video next time haha..im so mad i lost the one i had, i was talkin some shit! haha thanksfor reading man
Yea give me some of that on my deathbed for sure.
@mykos same here man!