#ChaosPunk Issue 17 |[{ Phase 2X }]| - |[{ Act 2 }]| [ 1.3 (Final) | July 1st, 2020 ]|[ #SolarPunk Issue 1 ]|

in #chaospunk4 years ago (edited)


~ ))) Rebirth ((( ~ [{| The Throne Awaits |}] Enter #SolarPunk !

I immediately begin resonating with the Holy wave of energy that has overtaken me. It appears that the final preparations have finally completed!

All around and about me, I'm surrounded by an army of angels .. I am humbled and left completely awestruck by the magnitude of their immense, tremendous power. In this immediate moment, I remain as still as I can while the fluctuating, divine waves come in and out, they ebb and they flow, resonating deep within and around what appears to be my newly constructed physical vessel .. like a shadow in the sea, just as I remembered it to be! .. it appears as the same vessel as I had once before, but adorned with a new, novel flair.

I move my arms and hands around .. I almost forgot what it felt like to inhabit a physical body like this, for while I was existing in the Pleroma, my existence felt entirely different, much more vapid, for there i was merely an aetheric phantom of sorts. Moment by moment, I'm reconstituted further as I'm introduced back into the land of the living once more .. I watch as the scenery around me in the Pleroma flickers in and out, as the channels switch .. I'm continuously empowered further by the immense power of the heavens, now being bestowed upon the earth .. the angels tell me through telepathy that they would constantly be there to serve and bless me as well everyone existing within this same dimension, walking this same pathway.

I begin to see what I'm told to be the city of Victoria, directly in my vision in the distance, as the angels inform me while I make my Ascension out of the underworld of the Pleroma .. My vision becomes progressively more and more clear and pronounced as what was formerly only an apparition comes further into physical form. The angelic choir and congregation that surrounds me unanimously trumps loud from on high and shouts a declaration and promise down from atop the heavens.

>They inform me: "This is not the same world in which I had originally came from previously. "This world is a mirror world to the one in which you had previously inhabited. . time here flows forward, Lizbet is the Mirror city to Victoria .. in Lizbet, time flowed backwards due to an exploited trick used by the Necromancers, through an ancient hack of the divine systems taught to mankind, in relation to the mystery school teachings .. The necromancers devised a way to create an alternate reality, where suffering was the very fuel to sustain its own existence! .. Now that the 13th seal has been restored, the ancient exploit being used by the necromancers no longer works the way in once it had. The once magical capital city of Lizbet no longer even exists anymore, nor does the entire world in which their people inhabited! .. for that alternate version of the world has finally reached its ultimate conclusion. The very existence of that world was built upon wickedness in its most truest essence. That reality collapsed entirely! .. In Truth, it had always been quite brittle in it's composure."

"Fear not, children of the Earth! .. your time of tribulation is nearly completed! .. As we now usher the one formerly known as "Magus Aurelius" into your world reborn and renewed, we announce with absolute and pure conviction that we are now entering the initial dawning that is the Aeon of Horus! .. the one formerly known as "Magus Aurelius" has taken on the challenge of being the frontrunner for this new aeon, as he has now taken of the physical manifestation of the avatar of •|[ Horus ]|• now manifest into the flesh .. learn from him, as he will teach you how to live in harmony within this higher density that we now find ourselves existing in .. Welcome Horus! .. it is a time of coming together, harmony, peace and celebration!"

The heavens bestow exalted glee upon the world's stage, blessing the meek upon the land with their rightful inheritance granted to them so long ago, as promised by God in sacred scripture .. In all beginnings there is always an ending, and in the blackness there's always a light. The blackness diminishes in intensity with every passing moment.

"My physical transition is now complete .. my new avatar has been miraculously manifested to its completion as I originally remembered being long before I originally departed from the dimension I formerly existed within long ago" .. I gaze at a curious audience of people who gaze at me in curiosity in front of me .. a woman comes forward, approaching me from within the crowd, bringing me a bouquet of flowers, handing them to me, then bowing in display of her respectful reverence .. blink blink I smile and bow deeply to her and the people of the world with pure respect and reverence .. I clear my throat .. "ahem!" .. I stand tall .. "Know this, I am here simply as Your Mirror .. Your teacher of Play .. and my adversaries must know this as well: Understand that I will never teach mystery school teachings to anyone with a wicked heart! .. Respect and trust are aspects that can be built upon and must be earned .. Know too that Archangel Michael is always by my side."

"ChaosPunk" is now become "SolarPunk" onward and forward!


Continue to follow Magus T. Aurelius on his dynamic Witchpunk, cybermagickal adventure by using the hashtag: #chaospunk !

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