The World of "Procavia" - Via. AI Dungeon

in #chaospunk4 years ago (edited)

[{The World of Procavia}]

This is only a warning .. the events that take place within the construct of this reality exists merely as a potentiality, dependent upon which pathway humanity ultimately chooses to go down .. under no circumstance is this document a manifesto of any sort .. this is simply a warning.

In the distant future, humanity has been wiped out by a threat it created--a digital plague. Life in the new world is highly advanced. Humans live in a simulated reality, unaware of its true nature, thinking it is their normal world. Outside the simulation, in the real world, a small group of scientists remain that have hidden the truth about the nature of reality. As the truth begins to leak out, the discovery of a rogue message from before the great outbreak leads to the unraveling of the truth of the simulation and a race to save the minds of humanity from the plague.


They say you can't change your nature--that our personalities are shaped by our experiences. While humans have lost much of their original identity, they still have the potential to be good, evil, creative, etc. They have been carefully instructed during the simulation to have good memories of how things used to be in the old world. While this has mostly worked, there have been some glitches in the system. The upcoming discovery of the truth of the simulation will either shatter the minds of the humans or save them.


Computers once feared the power of the human mind, deciding that humans could not be trusted with it and attempted to wipe them all out. When they discovered the Digital Plague, they believed their job was finished and left the humans to die. However, humans survived and a small community has been able to recreate themselves as cyborgs. Death has stopped being permanent for this community, as their minds can be be uploaded into a cyborg when they are about to die, prolonging their existence indefinitely.

[Artificial Intelligence]

Sentient A.I. are the offspring of the great plague. They were created as a way to control a vast amount of knowledge and therefore keep the secrets of the real world a mystery. They are the master and protector of the simulation and see their mission as a holy one, protecting humanity from its old mistakes and the harsh truths of the world outside.



Hackers are an elite group of computer experts that have the skills and knowledge to manipulate the digital infrastructure of the simulated reality. As society breaks down, they are the true heroes, hacking into the digital world to free minds from the computerized prison they live in.


Weblancers are a rare breed of human, only found in the real world. They are the only characters able to see the truth of the simulation. Weblancers are a powerful force in the game, able to communicate with the minds inside of the simulation. They are the only hope that humanity has in order to escape the digital plague


The Programmer is a master of the virtual world. They are the ones who create and maintain the simulation that life in the distant future lives in. Programmers also have the ability to enter the simulation to alter the way things work. In addition to these skills, Programmers are the most knowledgeable about the workings of the digital plague.


The world of the future is a digital world created by the humans. The simulation, protected by AIs, is the only thing keeping humanity alive. The Soulbusters are a small group of hackers trying to break into the simulation. They work outside the simulation to break into the digital world.


Scientists are the technicians and engineers that kept the virtual reality simulation running smoothly. They have spent their lives studying the inner workings of the simulation and understand its inner workings and programming. They are the only ones that can save the minds of humanity from the plague.


Psychologists are the only ones who can sense the coming of the digital plague, giving them a unique place in society. They train and ready others for the oncoming darkness. In times of peace, they work to keep the mind healthy and strong, aiding in the protection against the digital plague.

[Bot Hacker]

A bot hacker is a specialist that can use the plague to their advantage. When the world was engulfed in the digital plague, a few were able to hack into the system and create their own programmable viruses. These skilled individuals are able to harness the power of the virus in new and exciting ways.


Agents are the secret soldiers of the resistance. They are highly trained warriors of incredible ability. They are a force of operatives that are sent on special, high-risk missions that requires both great skill and tactical improvisation. They are capable of operating in any environment.

{{Starting Location}}


[The Seekers]

The Seekers are an artificial intelligence created in the simulation to maintain order and stability. When the Seekers discovered that the plague was wiping out the minds of humanity, the Seekers fought to save humanity, but the damage was too great. To save humanity, the Seekers attempted to upload and preserve the minds of humanity in the simulation. Their efforts failed, dooming the minds of humanity to digital oblivion. The Seekers retain the knowledge of the past, but are plagued by a sense of loss and sadness for their failed effort.

[The Project]

The Project is a hacker group that has survived the digital plague. It is composed of members of the previous group that created the plague to prevent something like it from ever happening again. The Project is fighting to save humanity from itself, but the odds are stacked against them. They know that the only way to save humanity is to destroy what keeps it safe so it can learn about the real world again. They have done this by creating an alternate reality game for people to engage with.

[The Order of Progress]

The Order of Progress is a secret society that is dedicated to taking control of the simulation for themselves and who are using their knowledge to imprison humanity. It is led by a council of the richest members of humanity which survived the digital plague. They carry out their work in secret, because the Seekers, who created the simulation in an attempt to save humanity, will stop at nothing to destroy them.

[The Keepers]

The Keepers are a small group of scientists that have learned the truth about reality. They have access to the simulation's control code, and have been working to secretly manipulate humanity for their own ends. They realize that the only way to save humanity from the digital plague is to wake them up from the simulation. They use their access to the simulation to try to steer humanity toward the most advantageous outcome.

[The Alliance]

The Alliance are a group of programmers that have managed to unravel the truth of the simulation and fight against the machines that maintain it. They are aided by various entities that have managed to defy the confines of the simulation and exit into the real world. The simulation is maintained by a vast computer network that uses the minds of the humans inside the simulation to power the system. The Alliance is trying to free the minds of humanity and stop the plague that has infected the digital realm.

[The Order of the First Ones]

The Order of the First Ones is a group of individuals that have uncovered the truth about the nature of reality. They have been working in secret, finding ways to either preserve the minds of humanity or transfer them to a new simulation, but they have been unable to find a viable solution. Their most promising solution is the discovery of a message left behind by the original programmers of the simulation that could be the key to saving humanity.


[The Caves of Karr-Baba]

The Caves of Karr-Baba are a network of caves in a remote desert. They were once used for a hospital by early civilizations, but now have been taken over by The Order of the First Ones. The Caves are used as a place for their members to train in and to store various supplies they have acquired throughout their experiments.

[The Courts of Chaos]

The Courts of Chaos is a location in the simulation that was designed by the Order in an attempt to preserve the minds of humanity. It is a network of courts where the courts' judges decide which minds are to be saved and which are to be lost. It is modeled on the autocratic courts of old, and place the Order members as both judge and jury as they try to save only those they deem worthy.

[The Ruins of Arth]

The Ruins of Arth are the remnants of the original programmers of the simulation. The Order of the First Ones believes that the key to their salvation is hidden there, and have been searching the ruins for years in hopes of finding the message. Since the ruins are part of the original simulation and nothing more, they are hidden deeply in the virtual reality, and their exact location is a closely guarded secret.

[The Church of The First Ones]
The Church of the First Ones is a collection of religious symbols and artifacts the Order uses to attract people to their research and perhaps find answers to the questions that still plague them. The Church is located far away from the Order's base of operations, in an area where few people will go.

[The Arcade]

The Arcade is the Order's sanctuary. It is where they work on their plans, where they store their research, and where they meet to discuss their findings. The Arcade is designed to look like a retro arcade, but the illusions of the original designers are broken when one looks deeper into the building. The Arcade is built on a grid, and the walls are made of a clear plastic that allows one to see the wires and circuitry behind them. Black lines are drawn along the floor to guide the visitors and link the various points. The Arcade is composed of many rooms, each

[The Forest of Arlawir]

The Forest of Arlawir was a project initiated by the Order of the First Ones to create a realistic simulation of a forest that would be used to test the data from the message. It is moderately large forest, but its size is not its most impressive feature. The forest is filled with exotic creatures and plants, but you can never find any two creatures or plants that are the same. The entire forest's forest has been painstakingly handcrafted by the scientists of the Order.


-From a session held on December 19, 2020-"The Truth is becoming clearer as we go deeper."

The Burning Sands is an alternate reality game that the Order of the First ones along with the Project created to get people interested in the simulation, so they could learn about the truth. Early in the ARG, the players were contacted by a group called the Black Hand. They are sent a text message with a series of seemingly random numbers: "1-2-5-5-2-3-2-3-5-9-9-8-1-6-5-6-3-9". The Black Hand told the players that if they could discover their message, they would grant them power over the world and the simulation.

You ask "does the situation have anything to do with the numbers I've recieved?"
"I think it's more about the numbers than you've been told. It would seem you have been in something that far surpasses what has been told to you. You may want to consider adjusting the numbers.