
@cloh76 he is not with you in spirit. He is with you in dreams! He sleeping when this is all happening! lol :P

@grazz LOLOL If I could upvote twice I would

HAHAHAHAHA! we're crazy as AF :P

I made the 2nd upvote for you @bearone

lol. He is a busy man. Needs his beauty rest :)

me and @deveerei believe that sleep is for the weak lol :P

I'll sleep when I'm dead...

Morbid 0.o


all yall need to sleep.

I think I'm the only one who actually gets sleep around here.

Just call me lola :D

That's forever sleeping and forever rest :) hahahahahah

Haha. You made it sound like I'm dead. Haha. I'll need Doctor Strange's astral form powers!

Not dead, just displaced :)

Haha, I see.