@SchoolForSDG4, crowdfunding for school supplies and excess funds for emergencies. Nr.10

in #charity6 years ago


I have been good, except today. Today I am a mess. But that is life for you, right? Lemons into lemonade. Whatever that is supposed to mean. At least the music that I am listening to is finally good. Also, I slept eleven hours today. I woke up early but could not bring myself to get out of bed. So I opted for staying in the sheets and that at least came with one pleasant surprise. I dreamt. I dreamt something that could potentially be an interesting story. Now, I will not write it down as I do not feel like it but it is good to know that I haven't lost myself yet.

Otherwise, I am getting ready to leave. No, that is a lie. I am stagnant at leaving. All I do is play my days away. I actually miss doing things. I miss doing work and that is a good thing. It means that I am approaching being me once again. And I can not wait to be the new me. Or the old one. I have plans that I am not giving up on again. Never again. I am ready to do things that I wanted to do and I am so ready to create something that will inspire and help people. I want us to be better. I want us to care more. I want us to do things instead of complaining about them. I want me to do all of these things!

The SBD/STEEM from this post will go to the @SchoolForSDG4 account. The Steem Power will stay with me, @lindahas. It will be used later on to help fund my trip to Sylhet, Bangladesh and do something useful in real life.

The school life is going at a full swing but not in the usual way. Now is the time when new students get admitted to study @SchoolForSDG4. You can see in the first picture of the post how Mohammed (@Azizbd) is checking on the families that signed up their kids for studies. He is going house-to-house in slums and finding those who need a ray of hope in their lives the most. He spent the first day of this new year doing just that!

As the admission process is out to conclude, I will share the stories of some of the newest students @SchoolForSDG4. They are completely fresh faces that I hope to see a lot of this year! The new study books will get distributed on the 3rd of January, 2019. All students will get their books during the day. Also, the weekly fruit program will take place tomorrow.

In the picture below, you can see Sitara. She will join the school in class two and seems to be an active young lady. When Mohammed was visiting her home, she was playing with an old, dirty doll. Her father is dead and mom is struggling to feed the family. They also live in a small hut. Her mother was at work so the girl's neighbour (aunt) asked Mohammed to admit her as no one was there to talk on her behalf. She is going to the school today, with a neighbour, and will be admitted for studies.

Sadiya was hiding behind her mother when Mohammed visited her home. Her mom was arguing against admitting her daughter to school while the girl was demanding for her mom to let her go. Her mother argued that the family will have to leave the city after around two months as there is no job for them there but they will return after a few more months. Because of the moving, they think school life is not for their children. But Mohammed was kind enough to give them a few options for when they are in the city. Sadiya can continue education @SchoolForSDG4 and if she moves to a village for any reason, the spot at school will stay open for her. She and her parents were both happy with such an option.

Sadiya's mom was saying that at her daughter's age, she had no parents and had to work hard to survive. Her other daughter fled with her boyfriend without giving notice to her parents.

Suborna doesn't know her mother's name. Her mom died when she was just a baby and her father left to be with another wife. When I asked her about her father, she and her aunt answered that both of her parents, father and mother, are dead. She lives with her grandmother who works as a day labourer. The family is new in the city and wants to get admission so Mohammed confirmed her admission after a physical visit today.

Kids and their families

All the pictures are recent and provided by @Azizbd. any questions about the project can be resolved with him if you are interested in helping this project and have any idea about how to make it better. He will even get up at 4 AM just to talk to somebody about ideas. Here is a link to his Steemit chat: https://steemit.chat/direct/azizbd.

If you would like to contribute by making a post, you can contact Mohammed (@azizbd) and he will provide pictures for you. Anyone spreading the word is welcome. The income from the post can be sent to @schoolforsdg4. Even a small donation from your posts means a lot to those kids.

If you have any Steem that you want to gift, donations are welcome. @SchooForSDG4 is where you want to send them. If you can't spare any Steem, because I know everybody has their lives to live and expenses that need to be covered, a simple upvote is very much appreciated. A resteem is encouraged.

Have the best day. Today, tomorrow, and forever!