STEEM CHARITIES: Using Steem To Create A "Perfect" World That Rewards Good People!
Hello Steemians,
What is charity? Charity is defined as;
1- an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.
Eg. "the charity provides practical help for homeless people"
2- the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need.
Eg. "the care of the poor must not be left to private charity".
You are free to pick-your-poison among these definitions. The basic underlining factor in them all is
"help for the poor".
Charity is supposed to be a big part of the society we live in. Charity gives but is never supposed to take. Charity is mostly affiliated with NGO's without government interference. Ordinary citizens use their hard-earned cash to help the poor, sick and those in need around them.
Charity is a virtue. Though not possessed by many, most people can genuinely feel something within when they see people that really need help getting it. Why? Because we are human. And humans must exhibit humane emotions no matter how much the heart has been hardened.
The steem blockchain makes it particularly easy to distribute charity across the globe. No need for Out Of Pocket Expenditure (OOPE). All you have to do is click some buttons on a captioned blog post and you are already feeding a child in Africa or helping a poor widow in Asia or paying for the Kidney transplant of a renal patient in America.
No matter where you are all over the world, you can help bring to reality the vision of healing, touching lives and spreading love. No matter your socio-economic class, there's always someone you are better than. Now you have the power of steem on your side. Now you can truly help people.
@kofpato taking steem-powered supplies to kids in Ghana
ANother beauty of this sort of charity is that you too may get rewarded. For example, I have seen people using their Out-Of-Wallet-Expenditure to run charity and also get a replacement. Someone like @Ackza, @Greenman and @Surfyogi has a way of going into the streets and giving to the poor. They similarly get replenished when they make a post about it.
@Greenman on the streets of mexico helping out
@Ackza also has a lot of Ghanaians under his wings on this path of charity. He has been supporting someone like @Steem4DPoor who goes out to feed Indegent African Students. He also supports @McSamm who does medical outreaches and @Tj4Real, @RichForever among others.
About 2 days ago, @Sircork similarly made a post here about a possibly Mosquito-infested pool of water in a slum in Nigeria. It was quite touching seeing that pool of water in my own country. The dirty gutter depicted was already full of blue-greenish algae. I'm sure that many larvae and pupae of mosquitos will be breeding there waiting for the right time to infect people with Malaria.
Poor picture taken by @aydeyodeji for @Sircork
With projects like @YouAreHOPE which hopes to provide Help, Opportunity, Purpose & Empowerment to the poor all over the world. He has his HOPEful Foot Soldiers who do a great deal of work to deliver seeds, shoes, books, school bags and money to those that need it most.
I have seen many posts from @Reko and his Gift Economy Ideology. I have seen pictures of him trying to save good food that has been wasted by people (the-haves) from the waste bins in the streets. I have seen first hand where he polished these foods, packaged them and shared them to other people who really need them (the have-nots).
The foods saved by @Reko.
The world is really not fair. While some have excess clothing, bouquet dinning rooms and large houses they can't occupy, on the other end of the spectrum, many are seeking just crumbs from the table of the masters but even that they don't have. STOP WASTING FOOD!
I was really touched when I saw @Stellabelle delegate SP to @Steem4dPoor just for his good deeds. That's the power of giving at work. @Bleepcoin, @Pennsif and @yehey and @guiltyparties have similarly been seen doing these sort of reachout via their upvotes on such posts.
@Stach which is run by @Ejemai similarly does alot of outreaches. For example he was in an orphanage at Ibadan yesterday just for Charity sake. Valentine's day should be a day to show love to those who need it most. I was also opportuned to support @Fetch run by @AlisonUdeme, @GiftEssiet & @Bundis10 as we went to an orphanage home in Uyo. @Samstickkz is similarly so much interested in Charity and always motivates the @steemit-uyo community to do same.
Courtesy @samstickkz and @annieben - leaders in the @Steemit-Uyo community.
I won't forget @Hopebanks run by @Hopehuggs. I will also remember @steemhelpinghands which recently ran a campaign to help a child with hydrocephalus to get treated (probably a VP Shunt). I also saw the Pen-A-Child Initiative by @spiritwalker to help kids get access to useful education.
Permit me to conclude with my own project - @AIR-CLINIC - which is essentially a grand gesture in medical charity. We have set up the first truly free healthcare facility on the steem blockchain. My team and I spend hours and hours of our days using our skills and knowledge to heal the world.
Food For Thought: Will the world ever get completely healed?
My drive to see people truly happy has led me to create our outreach foundation. By that means, we were able to reach out to high school kids for Cancer Awareness Campaigns. I still love this picture below because it captures the essence of what we do. If I'm a medical doctor, then I shold inspire more kids to be like me someday.
@Nairadaddy educating kids about cancer.
All these are ways of @promo-steem -ing. When you take these projects off the blockchain, and do something nice for someone, they will definitely want to know where and how the money comes from. And then you point them to Steem. I just love being a @steem-ambassador coz it feels so good.
I still believe that...
Impossible Is Nothing!
I Remain me, my mouth & eye @nairadaddy aka SteemDaddy. My aim is to leave you better than I find you everyday!
Proudly A...
Join @Air-Clinic- The Steemit Health Community On Discord

Wow that are a lot of great charity giving opportunities in that post! Thank you for sharing <3. I will autovote and support most projects here. It's time to vote!
Wow! Thank you @chris4210. Your efforts toward these charity projects will be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
This is great @NairaDaddy just seeing the effort each and every one is putting in makes me question if am spending all of my energy in the tight place... Hoping to join the band wagon and I have taken steps already by joining the @youarehope foundation on discord. Hoping for a better world in which we live in @dee-y over and out.
Its alright @dee-y. Less talk and more action okay?
Good one sir, i really wish i can do this in my area ,alot of the children here don't even eat daily sometimes ,i want to help the less privilege but i don't have the ability yet , i know someday i will have enough to do this , i believe!
Hey @sola3097.
You are on the steem blockchain. Here, impossible is nothing at all.
I understand you sir @nairadaddy, maybe i should post about that and see how far i can go
Such a good initiative for upliftment of those in need and what can be a better and effective platform than steemit. This is such nice work my dear. I hope to join the team someday. In the meantime I'm going to appreciate those who put forth their precious time and wealth for such thoughts. Thank you. @nairadaddy
Thank you for the kind words @wa2qr, appreciated!
You're most welcome
A great post that is very informative. I, being new to steemit, was not aware of these charitable activities and group here. I am definitely going to save this post and refer to it when I am capable of participating. Blessings to you for this good work.
Thank you @shevans.
Join in and do the work too.
There's enough rewards for everyone here.
This is probably a stupid question, but how do I join?
Helping poor and needy this is what humanity is, this thing differentiates us from animals. Using steemit as a platform for such work can be very useful. Keep on going.
Exactly @mumin007,
the essence is to help as much as we can!
Truly you are doing a great work
Truly inspiring and wonderful. I'm going to upvote tomorrow as I've run out of VP for today, and I want to give up a 100% power upvote for this. Well done.
Wow @anarcotech.
Thank you for the amazing work you guys are doing with the #promo-steem project now top 100 tags!
We will keep promoting Steem & steemit via any means we can lay our hands on.
I'm glad I have your support.
Thanks for underlining the importance of charity on the Steem blockchain! I couldn't agree more.
Check my own project @dreamsoftheocean if you want :-)
Cheers, Marly -
Thank you @surfermarly,
I'll check out that project right now.
It sounds beautiful.
let's promo-steem together, i like it brother @nairadaddy it's nice promo-steem, good job !
if have time, let's visit my blog @bangmimi thanks
This is a really lovely post. It's inspiring, motivating and challenging for us, steemians to contribute back to our various communities the best we can. I wish I had a lot of steem power because I really would have given this post my 100%, I still would with my low SP. Thanks for this lovely post @nairadaddy, you are really adding more value to Steemians and the world at large.