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RE: Santa & Piotr Visits Venezuela - JOIN OUR VENTURE TODAY

in #charity6 years ago

My dear reinaldo that this small vote will serve as support, I know your problems, do not count them every time the internet allows you, I get small heart with them. The friend's table will be very crowded at these parties. I am writing to wish you happy holidays and two hugs for you and your family and you give me one back.

@crypto.piotr, piotr that table will be full with these beautiful people that you chose to support, I know several and know that you will appreciate this beautiful gesture, you are very kind

Mi querido reinaldo que este pequeño voto te sirva de apoyo, conozco tus problemas, no los cuentas cada vez que el internet te permite, se me pone chiquito el corazón con ellos. La mesa del amigo va a estar muy llena en estas fiestas. Te escribo para desearte felices fiestas y dos abrazos para ti y tu familia y me devuelves uno.

@crypto.piotr esa mesa va a estar full con estas hermosas personas que escogiste para apoyar, conozco a varias y se que sabran agradecer este hermoso gesto, eres muy amable


Thankyou very much @sacra97, Piotr are doing and awesome work. I know many of us would have with this help a good dinner, but xmas is tomorrow and thoe earnings would be recibed next week, so i think i would celebrate xmas next week, and no tomorrow.
Anything, thankyou veryuch for your constant support :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Mirando la navidad como pajarito en rama. @reinaldoverdu

Looking at Christmas as little bird on branch

A thousand Venezuelan blessings