
Great initiative!
Thanks a lot for posting!

Thank YOU for your support :)

thank you for this great action! i suggest balloons also in the packs :) they are really inexpensive and all the children love them, regardless age. :)

i will do my sharing part from over here.

bravo bravo :)

Balloons are a great idea, I will get some for sure! Thank you!

What a great thing my friend :)
Of course, I am in and 100% Upvote.

Awesome :) Thank you very much!

Thats the right pre X mas spirit! Nice initiative!

It sure is - Sharing is Caring :)

Good idea, we should share our happiness with others....


We sure should :)

with christmas around the corner this would be a great challenge for a good cause , i know what it means not to have a gift during chrismas as other children would be opening theirs, great initiative @theaustrianguy

Thank you for your supporting words - Hopefully we can lower the amount of kids who won't receive a present!

Wonderful job

Good idea it's good to see smiles in the faces of kids

great post! its such a good cause :D

It sure is :) Whats more beautiful than a kids smile?

It's amazing in front of the community especially to share the green that is amazing.

Super Idee! Ich werde gleich versuchen noch ein paar meiner Freunde dazu zu überreden :)

Sehr gute Idee - In Wien solltest es auch mehr als genug Annahmestellen geben :)

Vllt. kannst du ja hier auf Steemit auch helfen und den Post resteemen? Hast ja auch schon einige treue Fans :)