Knowledge and Visualization is the key to success ~ Charles Fuchs.
Freaking Amazing, Bitcoin just hit over $6,000+ ... the charts and chit chat online are indicating that we will hit over $7000+ next month with the Bitcoin hard fork coming.🤑
It's time to celebrate as Bitcoins is breaking huge barriers and becoming more mainstream every single day from people like us who are spreading the news. 📰🗞
What about the price of Steem? You see, most of the alternative coins are not participating in this rally because most people are going into Bitcoin Instead. 🎉
They want that extra free coins from Bitcoin (Bitcoin Gold and the Segwit) that is happening in the next few weeks.🤑
No fear guys, as the price of Bitcoin rises... lots of money will be coming into the ALT Coins, I mean massive amounts of money coming in ALT'S in November.
So what do yo? Mannnnnn you know how I do it. Start Stackin as much Steem and ALT coins right now! They are on sale baby! 😎
What do you think Bitcoin is heading too? Are you buying Alternative coins? If so, which ones? Let's all start making that money.
Have an awesome weekend STACKERS! 💞

Hello, @stackin! I like the way bitcoin is breaking new all time highs , now about $6,000. The time for steem is coming. Whoever is not investing/stacking steem now, will have regrets. I believe that we are going to have a STEEMY CHRISTMAS. My vision for the price of steem is $5 by the end of the March, 2018. There is a health project which I am working on to bring to the steem blockchain. The first phase will target tens of millions. Keep stacking!
@maryfavour for @redfishpillar.
Now that sounds amazing. Seems I've joined the party just in time. I'm looking forward to your project it sounds ambitiously promising.
I totally agree! Most of the ALTS are getting hit because they are all moving into Bitcoin because of the hardfork... after that done, they will all go into alts again :)
Exactly! Give ALT coins 1 week after the bitcoin hardfork (25 +7 = 31). By early November ALTS will recover after investors would have got some free bitcoinglod (BTG) coins. Who does not like free money? I guess we all do.
@maryfavour for @redfishpillar.
This makes a lot of sense. They've all been hit hard for the most part lately!
Keep on Stackin 10k + is coming early 2018!!!
Let’s make it by December 2017 😬
We certainly want to see STEEM Pump hard but I have a feeling we are going to see this FORK mania last longer than just the SegWit 2x split.
STEEM makes a ton of sense for sure.
I randomly got called for an IT contract and had lunch with the recruiters on Wednesday. The asked me why I want the job when I have all these other income streams coming in. I told them that ALL of the money from the contract would be going into crypto currencies.
I think this boom would have pulled back hard without these forks and ponzi scheme systems.
They are causing even conservative people to pass their better judgement for a chance to catch a huge crypto ride.
For better or for worse....... this rodeo isn't over
Keep Stackin!!!!!
Kinda wish I never bought alts with my bitcoins now but eh thats the way the market rolls, Ill have to buy more now to make up for all the losses lol
Receiving you loud and clear!
Surely the money for BTC is due to the Bitcoin Gold fork, and surely there will be a dump and move in a weeks' time.
5 days to load up Steem!
YES, Keep Stackin Crypto freaks hahaha
daaaamnnnn i don't have bitcoin, i just HODL some useless alts, i'm an idiot xD
Haha! Don't worry, they'll be back stronger than ever after the BTC forks! The wait's almost over and alt season is going to be tooo sweet
Facts right there 🙌🏼
Dude don't worry, those useless alts are about to EXPLODE!!!!!!!
I want to post this but can't stop watching that fucking GIF....gezusss........................................
.....still watching. Feel like I'm looking in the mirror!
ahahah this gif is impressive lol
I am worst, I have no bitcoins and no altcoins, nothing. 😅
I think is a good moment to buy altcoins, the most popular ones that are down because people is holding bitcoin. Sound very obvious to me ... as bitcoin could go down soon too.
I agree in that it could well hit $7000 - probably be a last rally just before the fork as those who hold back will not be able to resist the fomo lol
However, after the fork I reckon there will be a huge correction, perhaps fall back to $,4,750 or something like that, and then that will be the new ceiling and grow steady again for a while.
And then..boom!- watch those alts fly fly fly
Hmmm I’m thinking the same and lots of money will go in the alts 😀
wow, it's amazing news! Nothing can stop Bitcoin. Regarding Steem, I believe it will hit $4 in next 6 months.
Steem On!
What is going to drive STEEM to $4? Dreams or fantasies? Coins with value are trending upward and leveling off. STEEM is stagnant.
I can't afford to buy a BTC too rich for my blood. Though I will support STEEM long term and became a Witness to serve the community to make it stronger.
Please VOTE @yehey for Witness, go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and vote for yehey.

Follow me @Yehey,
Thank you.
Buy 0.1 BTC then..or 0.01 BTC.