✴️ HAVE THE BEST CONTENT ON STEEMIT? Who Gives A Sh*t, Why "ATTENTION" Is Everything On Social Media... 🤔😏😳steemCreated with Sketch.

in #charlesfuchs8 years ago (edited)

What up ya'll ... I'm going to be really blunt about this issue, why not? ... because I'm "Charles Fuchs" and sometimes the truth hurts but some people really need to hear it 🤣

First off, Why should you even listen to me? Well, I've built a Social Media Following over 100k+ people. Documentation always beats conversation and usually people with influence wins at the end of the day 😲

I've been reading tons of comments on Steemit throughout the weeks seeing people write "Why are people upvoting for trashy or boring content and their friends (Circle Jerk)... while I'm producing awesome content and most people don't give a F*ck"? 😳😂

You have to first remember what Steemit really is, it's still a Social Media Platform!

Why are Kardashian's so famous? They bring no value to the table what so ever but they have one of the biggest followings online and people like their stuff all the time, It can make you go hmmmm...

While most people are on Steemit scrolling through profile and enjoying their experience on here by commenting, voting and following... they tend to vote for people that brings no value at all. Why is that?

You see... people are looking to be entertained, make new friends, have some fun, connect with people etc etc... they are not really on Social Media to "Read" or "Learn" about new things. 

However if you apply the "Social Media" aspect with great content and some value, you will win big time.

Here is another thing Steemians should be focusing on "Getting Attention"... not any attention, but the right kind. 

How does a person do this? ... Start busting out tons of different kinds of content, give tremendous value, build relationships with everyone, do videos, take selfies, show people what your really about and especially show your audience your personality (Swag). 

Become the most interesting person in the world. Ask yourself this... If you had your own reality show, would you watch yourself and tune in everyday? 😎 📹

If the answer is no, why not? Are you boring? Are you bitching all the time? Are you lazy? Are you doing meaningless shit everyday? This will separate the men from the boys (or ladies 🤣).

Pretend that you are on your own reality show with cameras following everywhere you go... You'll start doing more interesting things because you are aware that you have people to entertain. 💁🏼‍♂️

You see... "Getting Attention" and having interesting content goes hand and hand on Steemit. Without each other, Social Media will likely won't work out for you. 

If you get attention but put out trashy and boring material, eventually most people won't ever come back. However, if you have interesting content but no attention, nobody will ever notice you.

You must learn to market yourself, once you do that... you will have the "Power" to talk or show everyone in the world what skills, talent, and personally that you might have.

Is it fair? ... probably not, but that is how the world works today. 

That's my tip of the day, let's start making "Steemit Greater Again". 😝

Join Our Steemit Superstars Group HERE

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Sometimes you have to dig deep to do more interesting things...

@tastetwist - I think I seen this movie before - do you know the name? Looks like the Arnold...

Total recall 😉

@overkillcoin The Original Total Recall

The ONLY Total Recall.

haha true dat.

You come up with the best GIF and Pics on steemit @tastetwist 🤣

Lolz, I have to agree!



Who finds a friend, finds a treasure.

The "wiseman" :)

I guess that is one of the most annoying things. This is a social media platform and people want to be entertained. They don't want to be bored by the lectures you make, however, you get people who say that people who have LQ posts bring no value to this platform.

You just need to find the right balance then you can hit the sweet spot. If you add the social media aspect like Charles does with his entertaining posts but they are also lengthy.

Great Post @stackin. I may have to take a few pointers as I think my content may just be a bit boring for some people.

Not boring, just heavy. I have the same problem.

You are just fine :)

It's okay. You can say I'm boring af... I won't be offended. :D

You the man @arckrai, try to mix it up a bit. What about a video and tons of selfies, they do work and brings more attraction 10x more than a post. Let's win 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

Why not ! let's start making "Steemit Greater Again" as you said. Also every word and phrases you post in the article is more valuable than bitcoin.

Always nice to read the truth from the master steemian himself!!!! good one indeed.

I'm just 2 and half months in... there is so much IDK yet, its crazy. Learning new things everyday :)

I agree bud...keep it up

Acting like a rock star definitely helps. No one likes a boring person either. You have to be confident about yourself and show it to others. You are a king or queen after all. Represent yourself like one!

Thanks for the great reminder, @stackin!

There are ways to build your follower base, and I mean build it with quality followers too, not just anyone. Resteeming quality content of the people who are furthering the same life long objectives as you is key.

Other than resteems, quality replies to other people's quality posts is the next best way to get increase your followers. The more quality followers you have, the better payouts you'll get too, right?

You rock stars have your own Steemit Superstars Group initiative, but myself and others are working on another one. I believe you saw my post about it recently and upvoted it. Thank you!

I am introducing the Liberty Professionals initiative to Steemit. Myself and others believe this is the perfect platform to launch it on. You are a Liberty Professional! There are many of us here. Unless we are mistaken, no initiative currently exists for it either.

The idea is simple enough, and it is entirely voluntary. We will use the tag until communities are created, and some people have started to use badges designed by @grow-pro. There are no bots, nothing to sign up for, and absolutely no tricks.

We will simply network together, build our followers with liberty lovers, and support other liberty lovers with resteems, upvotes, and assistance on and off Steemit as much as possible. Everyone involved will benefit greatly.

I've asked @firepower to make us a #libertyprofessionals channel on steemit.chat as well. Hopefully, this is something yourself and other liberty rock stars here will support. Please let me know what you think about the idea! I'm hoping to chat with @hilarski about the idea soon as well.

Thats awesome @finnian, I'm looking forward the community that you will build! :)

I run a facebook group and it can be time consuming but it connects lot of like minded people together and its worth it in the long run.

Lots of people are using discord and steem.chat ... those are great tools to connect.

Keep me updated on your ventures :)

This post recieved a vote from @minnowpond. For more information click https://steemit.com/steemit/@minnowpond/boost-your-rewards-with-minnowpond


I'm sure that FaceBook group is well worth the time investment! Our peers affect our success of course. I keep my closest friends creators and innovators to make sure they are lifting me up. We are helping each other be more successful! I want them to be liberty lovers too like you and @hilarski. :) That makes trusting them MUCH easier. haha

Thanks @finnian

I'll be looking for more on this! Not sure that I qualify as a Liberty Professional yet... but I'm interested.

Anyone who's in the fight is one. The original idea was not related to Steemit. I wanted to make a webpage that combined LinkedIn professional networking with Craigslist bartering, but it would be just for liberty-minded people. That way you work with and exchange goods and services with your friends. It is still a good idea, but there's no need for a separate webpage. We can do it all right here on Steemit!

@stackin, your post was my post's inspiration today.

You made me really think, and I appreciate it. That's what friends do. We make each other improve. Your post inspired my latest one, and that's something you do very well. It isn't all meaningless Kardashian bullshit in other words. Your primary gift is motivation through inspiration! I appreciate it too. /thank

Keep hustling my friend! Liberty is worth any price!

well said. it is a mix between both and to be honest you need to create your own circle jerk :-) but that is ok steemit is big enough for all of us

“by giving your time and expertise and sharing them freely, the pie gets bigger for everyone.” -Keith Ferrazzi

you can exchange time for content and experience for votes. If you dont work with the community your posts will only be worht what your own vote is worth.

if you dont put at least some effort into your content you will, like you said ignored for the most part

That true... P.S. As of today, you will be the first member of my circle LOL

I have mixed feelings about this ;-)

I'm about to take a Steemit hiatus for attitude adjustment purposes and this was a good thing to read before I do that. Thanks, Charles. :) I'm still waiting on that legging pic btw...

That legging pic will happen when I hit a $1000 post 🤣😜

It won't be long then!!!

Beyond shallow, but sadly I suspect you might be right.. I just hope like fuck Steemit is different though!

I know where you are coming from but that's how our society is... it's like when a "Hot" girl walks by and we all have to all look, we just can't help ourselves haha

"We gotta live in the world that exists, not the world we want." - @ty2nicerva
It's part of the human condition.

I like it when your real like that. But on the other hand, I've got 0 followers on other social media and 700 on Steemit
giphy-downsized-large (3).gif

We all start at 0... Let's start building a huge Steemit Following then :)

Symbolic gif, proving it's the thought that counts.
Like getting a one cent vote over getting no votes.
But it really means, your mind-pattern affects all.