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RE: The Charlottesville "Zupruder film" decoded: From SonofNewo Youtube Channel

in #charlottesville8 years ago (edited)

Excellent post and questions. The analysis of the video is well conducted and throughly laid out by the narrator. Here are additional links that highlight the connections between the mainstream media's main personality at the event - Brennan Gilmore. The links show that he is directly connected to the US State Department, Tom Perriello who is a co-founder of Avaaz which was used for regime change in Syria and Libya, the Kony 2012 psy op campaign in Central Africa, and the Soros Foundation which partnered with him for the Invisible Children campaign in Africa. It's fascinatingly coincidental that this individual was the main go-to person for the media to talk to after the event in Charlottesville. Of course, Soros is also involved with Avaaz and MoveOn.