Cheetah Report for 2018.08.17

Cheetah is an informative robot that might comment on your post. If she does, she will claim that she found similar content somewhere else on the web. This is because you likely copy and pasted some form of content -- whether it be your own or not. This is not an accusation of wrongdoing, but merely an informative comment for the reader.
For more information on Cheetah:
For more information on content sharing:
- Adding Value to Steemit through Sharing.
- When is sharing another contributor's content appropriate?
- Why Cite Sources?
- Plagiarism Guide.
Report for Cheetah comments on 2018.08.17:
Log continued in comment below.
You do things when the opportunities come along. I've had periods in my life when I've had a bundle of ideas come along, and I've had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I'll do something. If not, I won't do a damn thing.
Hello friends, we have noticed that you have sent us several messages for similar content. We want to make ourselves known and that is why we are writing to you. The @mayvileros community is a community that was created a few months ago, with the intention of giving massive support, supporting quality content, after that we uploaded a daily healing report.
That's why we always add the post with the information of who we are, plus the healing list.
We want to know if you can disable the automatic message.
If you wish to verify our work, you can enter our server which is:
See you later.
Hola amigos, hemos notado que nos han enviado varios mensajes por contenido similar. Queremos darnos a conocer y por eso le escribimos. La comunidad @mayvileros es una comunidad que se creó hace algunos meses, con la intencion de dar apoyo masivo, apoyar contenido de calidad, luego de eso subimos un reporte de curacion diaria.
Por eso siempre agregamos el post con la informacion de quienes somos, más el listado de curacion.
Queremos saber si nos pueden desactivar el mensaje automatico.
Si desean verificar nuestro trabajo pueden ingresar en nuestro servidor el cual es:
Hasta luego.