Chemtrails on The Controversy Cafe!

in #chemtrails7 years ago


The Controversy Cafe Ep. 2 - Chemtrails!

I was asked by my friend, @inthenow, to be a guest on his new show, The Controversy Cafe. I was nervous, and when I get nervous I get even MORE chatty, so please forgive my tendency to ramble! I hope you enjoy and if you would like to discuss, as always, let me know and we can talk!

Here is a list of videos that we were discussing in the live stream.

David Keith Admits to Dangers of Spraying Aluminum

CIA Director John Brennan Admits To Chemtrails

GeoEngineering / Chemtrails - Best Presentation by Matt Landman

Rain Water Tests Show High Levels Of Aluminum

Pilot Turns Chemtrails On And Off - Sends a Signal To The World

US Navy "Chemtrail?" Pilot Draws Male Genitalia in Sky

I Can Be Anything | U.S. Air Force Academy (TV Commercial)

And this is the documentary I was referring to, called FrankenSkies.


As always, keep Steeming! xoxo,

Just Beth333.jpg


Thanks for doin the show, I had a blast! :-) Have a great night.

I like those moody personalities when you are shy talking yes kind of distinctive characters Thank you

Very rare in my part of Panama but do happen from time to time.
I had a Girlfriend who's teacher 30-40 years ago was complaining about spraying in British Columbia!
Keep up the good work, but until we can remove the monsters from high positions it will continue.
Their days are numbered...Woot! Woot!

The most common write-off on this is "weather control" but what are the human side effects? What's the cost?

In the 1940s they began mass-medicating the public (without consent and without proper testing) by putting fluoride in our everyday drinking water. Fluoride is a chemical proven to be very beneficial to our teeth yet is poisonous and never, ever meant to be swallowed and allowed into our blood-steam because it DOES alter the neuron network in our brains. (Many say it's responsible for the increasing violence and aggression in most human societies).

I'm not a conspiracy theorist - for me it's hard to imagine a government or group of human beings agreeing on anything (especially something on this scale). Someone would blow the whistle.........., but..... I also know that we DON'T KNOW a whole-hell of a lot more than we do know.

Dear friend,

your article was resteemed and featured on the Stop Chemtrails Digest #12.

Thank you very much for helping raise our collective awareness.

Together we can stop this madness!

Hi @bethalea,
As mentioned in other comment threads it was inappropriate for me to post this comment to your thread, my understanding of the situation was mis-guided and therefore did not meet the expectations of the concered followers. Good luck in finding answers.
I saw your post when looking at others comments regarding this topic of corntrails and the concern you have for your health. I was inspired to create a post in order to remedy any concerns regarding the corntrails. I am leveraging my experience as an academic, researcher, engineer and most importantly advocate for science and truth; to create an in depth post that will beyond any doubt convince you and others that these contrails are in most cases completely harmless and there is no danger to you or anyone else. I would really appreciate it if you would read my post, and let me know if you have any questions. I would only be too happy to help you and others who are living with this concern. Life shouldn't be occupied with worrying.
The post can be found here.

Stop spamming my posts. I will flag you if you put this same comment anywhere else, anywhere else, ever.

Cease and desist.

Hi, im really sorry I wasn't trying to spam anyone... i started with one persons post, and found it like a bread crumb trail... I had no malicious intent what so ever with the post i made. I wrongly assumed people were here looking for an answer from someone.. Which is why i spent so much time preparing the blog.. i only wanted to help people find an answer.

Is there any chance i could negotiate the removal of this flag as well?

You're new and I'm very glad you weren't trying to spam people. So you know, putting your link on other peoples posts is really sketchy, be careful that it's pertinent. And don't do what you did, obviously... repeating the same comment just because all of our articles are on the same subject, that really isn't fair. I'll remove them because you're new but you should really think of deleting or - even better - explain yourself to the others you spammed. You let me know if you're interested in an actual conversation about geoengineering, too, and i'll read your post again.

thank you

You are entirely entitled to your thoughts and opinions on the subject. However, do not stomp on other peoples ideas and beliefs. And comment spamming is definitely not the way to go here, I am in agreement with @bethalea I will read your post and address it in due course. Have a lovely evening.

Hi, I was not trying to stomp on peoples beliefs.. I followed a trail of posts regarding chemtrails... i wrongly assumed everyone was posting about this bizarre phenomenon looking for answers. I was unaware everyone had already informed themselves through their own means...

Hello again. Everyone is looking for answers. As I mentioned in another reply, comment spamming will get you no where. You are entitled your opinion, as are we. Please consider adding value to a post, whether you happen to agree with the content or disagree. The same reply over and over is not the way to go. Thanks.