Chemtrails are Destroying our Planet and Will Cause Drought, Famine and Disease
I have done some research on Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (Chemtrails) and here is my conclusion.
Revelation 11:18 says "And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth."
There is a secret government program to completely control the weather, HAARP in addition to the CIA and NASA are involved with this conspiracy. Monsanto is also in on this where by adding poison to the soils prevents normal seeds from sprouting while only theirs will work anymore. Total world domination of food supply is the end goal. He who controls the weather controls the food. He who controls the food rules the world. The people in charge of these operations claim they are doing the spraying to prevent global warming. The fact is that they are artificially causing it. The chemical haze remains for 18 hours and does not allow the heat to leave the atmosphere at night. They are adding all manners of toxins to our atmosphere which rain down upon the earth. Some people say the chemicals are added to jet fuels, which may be, but in addition some of the military aircraft have dedicated spraying nozzles for spreading these chemtrails.
The end result of these programs is the poisoning of our soil with toxic levels of aluminum and dozens of other detrimental compounds. This is killing the trees which means less CO2 will be used. They are blocking out the sun causing solar panels to create up to 15% less electricity and which also means less usable lumens for the trees and again less CO2 used by trees and plants. The nano-antennas known as morgellon's disease are being used to receive signals used in complete mind control. The manganese in the spray makes people angry, possibly causing riots. The aluminum also gets into our brains and causes diseases like alzheimer's and creates a docile nation ripe to be overtaken by hostile foreign powers. What can we do about this besides for wear a gas mask all the time and use hemp as a mop crop to clean up the soil? Speak up, tell your friends and family what is happening. Call your local DNR (Department of Natural Resources) and if they are not informed then you should be the one to inform them. Call your local political representatives and demand that they stop! Some areas have already succeeded in that.
Here are just some of the ingredients found in these toxic vapor streams in the sky.
"Independent testing over the past decade confirms that Chemtrails around the country contain a dangerous and extremely poisonous mix of chemicals that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers." -
Here are some things you can do to combat the effects.
If these people succeed in their project then billions of people will die on Earth because of mass famine and disease and the rest will succumb to a carbon tax on the whole world. Something to consider is what will these added toxins in our environment do to people with pre-existing illnesses or those taking pharmaceuticals? Certainly the compounding effects are lethal. Together we can stand strong against them.
Thanks you for following and if you have any more questions about chemtrails you can contact me on Rocket Chat, Discord or [email protected].
and 4, the elephant in the room
You didn't do research. You attempted to make kindergarten propaganda.
Wow, what a truly inept criticism.
Tacking on the snipe about 1 report... sheesh, this is a blog post not a scientific paper. I find this point in poor taste and should be its own bullet point, because it requires its own response.
You didn't do research. You still believe all the propaganda you were taught in kindergarten.
Or, you are just a govern-cement paid shill.
p.s. The govern-cement has admitted to spraying.
Thanks for the comment, @builderofcastles. I try to be patient with skeptics like Kyriacos but it is difficult to answer the same questions over hundreds of times when they just mock me in the end anyways.
The person was mocking you from the beginning.
They were illogical and irreverent, while saying it in a sugar coated way.
I am pretty sure they are a paid shill. The only use of such is to point out to other readers how to dissect their illogical/irreverent statement.
Actually it's Satan who is in charge of the government and he has no problem killing his own soldiers. And yes, he wants all of us under his mind control.
How about God Agni, fire of India? Why do you stick only to western supernatural deities? She is much cooler that Satan. And Satan was actually the only anti-establishment angel. He gave humans free will and told them to stop being sheeple to God.
He sounds like a cool guy even for your standards man.
how about Rothschild family? just guessing...
What about them?
Well, they are and have been in charge of the government all along. They and few other richest families on the planet own almost all the central banks, media, ...
And why would they destroy the air that they breath? why would they want to spread disease?
I have no idea, maybe they have antidote for that. But they have enough money and they are crazy enough to do that. If they organize wars around the world, steal people`s money with negative interest rates.... why wouldnt they do that? If not, who else is so crazy in their head and filthy rich to pay for that?
Did you want me to also list every other report from around the planet in a single blog post? Get real!
Well, your report isn't saying anything other than "water is wet". "Stuff have chemicals".
so what?
Are you trying to say that people 2 centuries ago that didn't know not to throw their waste into the streets had nothing to do with the increased lifespan today?
The plumbing system was developed by Crete 3500 years ago man.
Increased lifespan came when we started injecting chemicals inside us — from antibiotics, hormones, food additives, medicine...
Humans are only supposed to live 30-33 years. This is our average biological life span.
This is an absurd comment. You do not know what the average human life span is. You know only what you have been told it is.
We are subjected to so much radiation, toxins and poisonous pharmaceutical drugs that one would have to assume that whatever the average life span is under these conditions, would be considerably lower than the natural life span of a human who lives free of those things.
It's called the dark ages. People had somehow become uneducated. Seems like a similar problem to what we have here. :)
I'd like a good article on chemtrails, I'm very curious about this. But the bible bit was a bit of a turn off tbh
You would be correct in stating that there is some misinformation in this post. Though, there is a lot more truth in it than your comment would suggest.
What use does it serve to ridicule the post? Why not instead offer your opinion on what the purpose of chemtrails are? Or are you in denial not only of the malevolent purpose they are used for, but of their existence in general?
I tried my very best to present complete Truth, @eddard. I apologize if I was off about something and am willing to listen to criticism. Thanks for the comment!
wow good find man! ive always considered Monsanto evil
Thank you, Kingscrown. I wanted to make sure I had the whole story right before I made a detailed post about this phenomenon.
Thanks for the enlightening article - I especially like that table that you included about how to combat the substances that are in chemtrails - that's really good info :)
Thanks for suggesting the edit so that foreigners could understand! Excited to see some of your upcoming health posts too!
Very good article
Thank you I just thought of one more thing I need to add. Quick edit. :)
grey580 - Today at 1:58 PM
I never could get into the chemtrail thing
WhoEver! - Today at 2:09 PM
If True U've definitely been into that thing, 'cause IT's an atmospheric pollution, that without proper nose filters u can't hide from... :wink: