The other day someone asked me if I thought chickens were smart

in #chickens6 years ago

My answer to that question was yes smarter than we give them credit for.

First of all even when the sun is not out they crow at the same time everyday. We need clocks to tell us time. Though there are a few people out there that has an eternal clock. Definitely not me I need my rooster crows in the morning.

The second thing that awes me is their protection to one another. If any of the flock senses danger they immediately let the call of help come out. Next thing you know you have everyone squawking away, roosters crowing until everyone seeks refuge. As soon as the danger disappears they all go about their business. They seem to know exactly when things are dangerous and when it is safe to come back out. When a mother hen knows that something is after her or her babies she will hide her babies and put herself in the line of danger. I know this because unfortunately we lost a hen when the neighbors dog came and attacked. She lost her life but her babies survived.

Third thing is the respect they have for the alpha rooster. The other day my younger rooster was chasing a hen and he was almost ready to jump her when he came around the corner face to face to our alpha rooster and he immediately backed down. If he could have spoken he would have apologized for his mistake of almost taking one of Hey Hey's girls. The hen on the other hand knew that she was safe as she ran behind the boss. It was so funny to watch him slam on the brakes and walk away as if he was innocent. Amazing respect if only humans could listen like that.

Another thing how does a hen know how to collect the eggs and sit on them for exactly 21 days? A broody hen is an amazing thing to watch. She is also something not to mess with. She knows when to rotate them and the exact day to stop rotating them. She knows how long to sit and wait till they hatch and she knows when an egg won't hatch. I love how a hen takes care of her babies. If you sit and watch a hen you will notice that after a few minutes she will do a head count of her babies. If she can't find one she will go and look for her missing

The thing that awes my husband the most is their sense of time. Every evening the chickens will come back to the coop from where ever they have been ranging, gather around the coop and pretty much all go in when it is bedtime. Sometimes if the hens are spread out the rooster will call the flock in and they will all nestle in together.

When I researched the question is chickens smart this is what I have found:

They have found that they are intelligent and perhaps even sensitive to the welfare of its peer. -I have a flock of birds that we got together that cuddle up every night together in their own corner of the coop.

Chickens have the capacity to demonstrate self control and even to consider the future.

Chickens have great memories they are able to remember and recognize more than 100 different individuals, including humans.- Every morning I come out to feed my birds and they come running and surround me as I walk to their feeding place. They even will stand there for me to pick up and give them a scratch.

Chickens understand object permanence. That is, they can understand that an object that is taken away and hidden from sight still continues to exist. They even have the capacity to recognize a whole object when it is partially hidden. Very few animals demonstrate this ability including young human children.

Chickens form their own communities, they learn from one another, they form friendships, they have a range of interests.

Chickens have the ability to empathize. For example some chickens are protective not only of their own chicks of others.-The other night my chick Hero was ignored by its mother and instead of sleeping alone she snuggled up with my broody silkie who not only allowed her to lay with her she actually cuddled her.

After reading all of this I do know now that the little things I recognize as intelligence and affection is indeed truth not only in my hopeful mind. Chickens are smart.


after reading this post
i got knowledge about chicken is better than other animals.
chickens are smart they can also do anything if they we taught .
this post is informative ..keep sharing

Thank you for reading and yes they are extremely smart and very affectionate. I have grown so attached to these feather friends.

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