Meat Prices Spike Across the Globe, Are You Ready for a Financial Reset?

in #china4 years ago

This video was originally published 10/12/2019

Meat price spike in Brazil is blamed on Chinese over-purchase of pork and its trade war with the U.S. Despite of China’s tremendous purchases the country is still not able to acquire enough for its’ citizens. Chinese buyers are now scouring the planet for any kilogram they could possibly get. This massive Chinese pork shortage is the main reason why meat and poultry prices are spiking in Brazil.

In line with this, Brazil’s former president says he would fight for the right of Brazilian workers to hold family gatherings, have a barbecue and drink a little beer, because these make them happy. Indeed, chicken price was up 8% in 2019, pork prices increased 15%, and filet mignon has risen 20% and this is just the beginning of their price rises.

It seems that these little creatures triggered price rises in meat. The outbreak of the African swine fever in China knocked out about 80% of the mainland industry, which will not return to them for, at least, three years. This is why they are looking elsewhere to satisfy their demand for pork.

As China stockpiles pork for Chinese New Year at the end of January 2020, pork hyperinflation continues hitting another record high. On top of that, it is not just pork now, consumer prices for fresh vegetable also increased due to shortages, brought by the unseasonable cold and rain.

China vegetable and pork shortages will really make people start changing their spending habits. How do you think are they going to shift what they buy first in China? This will be a good indicator of how the rest of the world will behave, so you should keep your eyes on how Chinese spending habits shift, as their food prices continue to rise.

Moreover, Smithfield Foods, a slaughterhouse in the United States bought any pork they could to send directly to China. Processors are slicing pigs in thirds or just straight-up half carcasses, freezing them and sending directly to Chinese ports. Armed guards will then escort pork shipments to Chinese workers to complete the work.

This is what I meant about the carcasses. They cut, freeze and then send it over to China. This makes me wonder, what will happen to the United States when internal pork demand becomes high and Chinese has bought everything on the market? Will they experience the same price increases as Brazil?

Meanwhile, this is the workaround for importers in China. If you import frozen carcasses, the tariff duty is only at 62%, compared to 72% for cut meat. Chinese importers are still thinking of ways to save along the way by using cheap labor and extra savings on imports. Because if you are importing millions of carcasses, that extra 10% duty adds up to be a lot of money.

Anyhow, China’s food inflation is considered the canary in the coal mine, and I have been saying since the beginning: We are just one year out from the true food shortages beginning 2020–2021 and the global economy will be imploded on purpose to prevent you and billions of others from moving to different countries that might have more stable climate for growing conditions.

If you look at the trend, you see a massive rise in commodities prices and then the crash in 2009–2010 followed by the global financial crisis. If you look over at the far right, this is where China is, almost exactly at the same point, before it crashed.

This is why I brought up Bitcoin price seasonality. When exchange mediums such as precious metals and crypto crash, you are going to need something to hedge your bets. This is interesting, because at the end of November into December, at least since 2012, there seems to be some upward movement in prices for crypto currency on a seasonal pattern, and it could happen again this year after the halving.

There is an enormous amount of storm clouds on the financial horizon, which is spooking people, even billionaires pulled back on their yacht buying habits. In the same timeframe, from 2011, the behavior of the fractals moving out is a clear indication. You be the judge. Do you think it might increase? If so, when would the increase occur? These events made.

Cryptocurrency could be one solution for a financial meltdown, as our fiat currencies will have little value and will not be honored or trusted amongst trading partners.

In the future, smart contracts are going to be the way to go. Vyper a new protocol. Forget solidity and python because viper is the trend now. I believe this is how international grain shipments are going to be settled in the future.

If you think crypto is a thing of the past, look at the value of crypto currency in circulation in billions. After the top four economies, crypto is next.

You would still have the option of solid money gold / silver, but you might want to think about how this financial unwind will happen during the Grand Solar Minimum.

Because nobody wants to end up in a soup line asking for food. Everybody wants to have their own financial resources to keep their families safe during this transition period.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast of a 30-minute in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on-the-go through out your day.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Meat Prices Spike 8% In Brazil, Threatening A Holiday-Gathering Mainstay For Many
China's Pork Hyperinflation Hits A Record 110%, Keeping Credit Growth In Check
China charts
China Food Inflation Charts
China’s consumer prices rise at fastest clip in nearly 8 years, as pork prices continue to soar
Seasonality on cryptocurrency
Value of cryptocurrency in circulation

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Thank you 🙏 for everything that you do for us David . Please look into Polly Farms for a new way to see growing our food .