Ancient farming still fanning the flames of commerce in 21st Century : Floriculture in China

in #china6 years ago (edited)

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Floriculture reportedly nets the China economy over $11 billion annually.

Worth making sure it's all in good order then!!
The ancient art of growing flowers keeps this nice number growing. Increase in flower production & sales expected to continue with emerging technology moving in to secure a smoother, more trusting industry supply chain and production.

Rumour has it that should the floraculture industry in China, automate it's processes across all areas, it could treble the value in increased efficiencies & production. This news comes shortly after the emerging of Florachain. A supply chain mechanism set to change the way the Flori-Culture industry does business. Positively streamlining the process, cleaning up messy paperwork issues and ensuring everyone gets paid on time, FloraChain founders Brian Kanda and Alex Frost backed by a globally placed team of industry insiders, have ironed out all the current kinks in the Floral supply chain industry from grower through to consumer.

Blockchain and Smart contracts go one better. They Do it Better!

They make so much of the processes we've had to endure a breeze. Paperwork, for one thing, is massively alleviated through emerging technology applications. Smart contracts create a seamless, trustworthy commitment that cannot be reneged on.

Back to China and Flowers.

The thing that you like most about someone, that 'stand out thing' that makes the decision for you...
Brian Kanda, Founder of Florachain,
" His vision for simplifying the floral trade while protecting all parties involved drove FloraChain throughout the development process. "
Quote from his Bio on the website.
Brian is based in China, has other business interests there as well as within the floral industry. Supply chain experience globally gives him particular insight into the needs of the industry.

That quote is one of the drivers that has led me to working with the team. To realise more opportunities for Social Impact across the floral industry.
Social Impact deals with every aspect of the process. From the propagators through to the plastic created, to consumer benefits, and more.

Positive Planetary Production

In China, with a growing population there needs to be more positive planetary production.
Advancing technologies allowing increase in production without damage to the natural landscape, along with ideal climate conditions and many workers to handle the delicate flowers...
It makes sense to enhance the floral industry wherever possible.

China + Flowers

Add to that special sauce a magical new application that makes it even easier, with hands on assistance globally from mentors and masters, for growers. A history of the plants life and journey, documented from propagator to consumers hands.
(there are scientific words for these but we'll leave that for the buffs).

FloraChain An ITO :
Full Details for Investors can be found here:
FloraChain website
FloraChain WhitePaper - Not YET open to US and UK Citizens

Investors are encouraged to make direct contact with all team members and associates. We love to speak about the difference we're going to make across the global supply chain industry in Cut Flowers as well as the extended projects we'll be migrating to once we've got FloraChain working seamlessly, globally.


The Lotus Flower - A symbol of humility, purity, honor.
Lotus Flower - ChineseWhisper.Com purity life humility honor.jpg

The Floriculture industry is clearly a buzzing place right now with many looking at ways to maximise the natural appreciation for flowers among the Chinese culture, as well as opportunities to add to their global shares in sales.
At $11 Billion a year expected to increase with automation & emerging technology smoothing supply chain processes, the time for investment seems to be nigh!

#FloraChain #SupplyChain #China #Global #ITO #Investment

All details of the Flora Chain ITO are available on their website. You can also learn a lot more about the rest of the team and what they're doing in real terms to smooth out the supply of fresh flowers globally.

FloraChain Website
Technical information about the FloraChain Tokenomics are available here

Orchid Image: 2013 Whale Festival - South Africa - memories are made


This post made me realize I need to work a little more on my own posts. Good Job!

Thank You. I also feel like I need to work harder to reach my potential every day. It's good to keep achieving. Thanks for the comment. Much appreciate it.