China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-05-02

in #china4 years ago

First posted on Hive.

English news:

Warning Over Chinese Mobile Giant Xiaomi Recording Millions Of People’s ‘Private’ Web And Phone Use

"his Redmi Note 8 smartphone was watching much of what he was doing on the phone. That data was then being sent to remote servers hosted by another Chinese tech giant, Alibaba
[...] browsers shipped by Xiaomi on Google Play—Mi Browser Pro and the Mint Browser—were collecting the same data"

--- If you value your privacy, you probably should not use Chinese communication hard- or software.

"Xiaomi denied there was a problem
[...] “Privacy and security is of top concern,”"

--- Top concern. Yep, we are very concerned you could hide your data from us. So we do everything we can to get it, anyway.

Leaked ‘Five Eyes’ dossier on alleged Chinese coronavirus coverup consistent with US findings, officials say

"The dossier [...] points to the initial denial by the government that the virus could be transmitted between humans, the silencing of doctors, destruction of evidence, and a refusal to provide samples to scientists working on a vaccine."

--- As we all know, those are just signs of China's incredible openness, according to the WHO.

"17 U.S. intelligence agencies [..] have come down to two potential origins for the accident - animal-human transmission, or a mistake in the lab, but there is evidence of both options with most leaning toward the laboratory explanation"

--- Only a matter of time until in response some China sucker claims that there is no evidence for a man-made virus, which totally misses the point.

"on Jan. 3, China’s National Health Commission ordered virus samples to be either moved to designated testing facilities or destroyed, while simultaneously issuing a "no-publication order""

--- Just a sign of how serious we took this matter. Obviously we don't want to cause panic in the world, because that would have been much worse than the virus.

Covid-19 and Europe-China RelationsA country-level analysis

"a collection of independent analyses from 19 countries meant to compare notes on country-level experiences and build on the annual reports of the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC)"

--- Long read.

Op-ed: China has a big but brief chance right now to speed its way to global leadership

"China is acting to shape the Covid-19 period and its aftermath with considerable focus and planning. At the same time, the U.S. response to China has been inconsistent, lacking in long-term strategy and close coordination with allies."

--- & with the choice between a senile & a moron, the US situation probably won't get any better.

A Chinese propaganda video mocks America’s response to the coronavirus crisis

"both countries have traded conspiracy theories over Twitter about who is responsible for the public health crisis, with a Chinese official accusing the US military of bringing the coronavirus to China, and Donald Trump promoting, without evidence, the theory that a virology lab in Wuhan accidentally released the SARS-CoV-2 virus"

--- How is the latter a conspiracy theory? It says "accidentally" right there.

"The Lego Group, for its part, says it had nothing to do with the making of this video."

--- But they don't seem to have a problem with the CCP using their IP for propaganda purposes. I wonder, how they react on the propaganda parody. (Since I can't find it anymore, it might already have been removed. The original is still everywhere, though.)

Harbin city shuts eateries, coronavirus curbs ease elsewhere in China

"While mainland China reported only one case on Saturday [...]
Of the 140 local transmissions in mainland China, over half have been reported as from Heilongjiang, according to a Reuters tally"

--- I'm confused.

Why Hong Kong protesters insist on calling it the ‘Chinese coronavirus’

"“If somebody chooses to use ‘Wuhan virus,’ they are doing so for political reasons.”"

--- Hmm, & that makes it automatically racist? Even if (more or less Chinese) Hongkongers use it?

Hong Kong calls foreign criticism of crackdown on pro-democracy figures 'irresponsible'

"allegations voiced by “certain officials and politicians” from the US, UK and European Parliament were “totally unfounded and amounted to a serious intervention in Hong Kong’s affairs”"

--- Because we are Chinese commies, just like the CCP. & just like the CCP, any opinion criticising us is automatically irresponsible & foreign intervention. If you agree with us, that's completely different, of course.

US tweets support for Taiwan, sparking opposition from China

"“Barring #Taiwan from setting foot on UN grounds is an affront not just to the proud Taïwanese people, but to UN principles.”"

--- How irresponsible! How interventionist!

"It gravely interferes with China’s internal affairs and deeply hurts the feelings of the 1.4 billion Chinese people"

--- We are so hurt! Apologise!

Video News:

--- China Uncensored features its weekend variety:

--- & because there is nothing else, the Daily Show: "Trump & China: The On-Again, Off-Again Love Affair"


Not in the news (yet):

Christian tombs are an affront to the commies

Hong Kong's Finest (& most intelligent)

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Corona: WHO will Ursprung des Virus in China untersuchen

"Die WHO würde gerne mit internationalen Partnern zusammenarbeiten und sich auf Einladung der chinesischen Regierung an Untersuchungen zur tierischen Herkunft des Virus beteiligen"

--- Wir werden auch ganz bestimmt kotauen & alle negativen Ergebnisse (die es natürlich nicht geben kann) einer solchen Untersuchung mit aller Macht unterdrücken.

Sündenbock China

"Denn so lange über Labore in Wuhan gesprochen wird, muss man nicht darüber reden, weshalb man sich kein Beispiel an Südkorea, Hongkong oder Taiwan genommen hat, die die Krise schnell in den Griff bekamen und die Zahl der Todesfälle wesentlich niedriger als Deutschland halten konnten"

--- & das ausgerechnet von Telepolis, die den Umgang mit dem Datenschutz in D gar nicht genug kritisieren können. Die wollen also jetzt die gleichen Überwachungsmaßnahmen, die man auch in SK et al. nutzte?

"Politiker des Exportweltmeisters Deutschland glauben, mit der zweitgrößten Wirtschaftsmacht des Globus, einem Land, von dem der Weg aus der globalen Rezession abhängen wird, einem Land, das in der Vergangenheit unter deutschen Kolonialtruppen zu leiden hatte, ohne dass es dafür je eine Entschuldigung oder gar Reparationen gegeben hätte"

--- Klingt wie ein Speichellecker Kaiser Xis.
Man sollte eben alles tun, um aus der Abhängigkeit herauszukommen, nicht der KPCh noch weiter in den Arsch kriechen.
Übrigens hat China unter deutschen Kolonialtruppen eher wenig gelitten. & der wirtschaftliche Nutzen des deutschen Pachtgebietes dürfte größer gewesen sein als der von Militärs verursachte Schaden.
& hier sieht man, was der Speichellecker sich anscheinend für Deutschland wünscht:

Journalist zu 15 Jahren Haft verurteilt

"Ein Gericht in der Provinz Hunan teilte mit, Chen Jieren habe unter dem Vorwand, Rechtstipps zu geben, falsche und negative Informationen über die Kommunistische Partei im Internet veröffentlicht."

--- Der hat doch tatsächlich unabhängig zu Korruption ermittelt. Das geht ja nu gar nicht. Könnte ja ein Kommi beschuldigt werden, der zur Xi-Fraktion gehört.

Schneller 5G-Mobilfunk-Empfang auf dem höchsten Berg der Erde

"Die drei Mobilfunkstationen wurden auf 5300, 5800 und 6500 Metern Höhe eingerichtet. Sie sind nach diesen Angaben aber nur vorübergehend."

--- Während sich Telepolis zum Rächer der enterbten Kommis aufschwingt, macht Mutter Heise Werbung für Huawei.

Deutsches Video:

--- Tagesschau: Holpriger Neustart