China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-05-06

in #china4 years ago

First posted on Hive.

English news:

Raging at China over coronavirus won't help – scrutinising our own governments might

"this type of aggressive diplomacy will only lead to the further emboldening of hardline nationalist and protectionist narratives in Beijing"

--- Yeah, right. We must appease, because history shows that only appeasement keeps authoritarian regimes peaceful & cooperative.

"punishing China will not improve international cooperation"

--- Yeah, right. Because China was so great in international cooperation before. We are throwing it all away.

"these same “international actors were silent” about China’s plight in late January and early February"

--- This guy must live in a different world from mine.

The Wuhan lab at the center of the US-China blame game: What we know and what we don't

"Scientists have so far largely rejected theories that the novel coronavirus is man-made."

--- Seriously? Even Pompeo doesn't claim that it is man-made. CNN uses similar strawman arguments against the US administration that the CCP & "China lovers" use to defend the Chinese dictatorship.
I can understand the opposition to fake-news-Trump, but if CNN wants to retain some credibility they should refrain from using this propaganda crap.

China silencing Wuhan coronavirus survivors, bereaved families through hush money, police interrogation

"government officials have used online censorship, police interrogations, shuttered support groups, and have even threatened lawyers representing coronavirus victims
[...] are coercing silence by paying families about $420 for each relative lost to the pandemic"

--- Not really news, the usual mafia behaviour of the CCP. The hush money is not a big deal, but behind it are threats that if they don't take the money there will be serious repercussions.

China tourism revenue drops nearly 60% in first major holiday since coronavirus outbreak

"a 59.58% slump from the 117.67 billion yuan recorded for last year’s Labor Day holiday, which was one day shorter"

--- & that, when it was the 1st opportunity for some relaxation after weeks of lockdown. Doesn't look promising.
Funny enough, many tourist hotspots were packed, anyway. Chinese are not very creative in going out.

China's Bargain on Global Influence Is Paying Off

"The Chinese give as little money as they can get away with [...] They give as little money as will buy influence."

--- Chinese politics is like Chinese business.

"Cameroon put forward a candidate to lead the Food and Agriculture Organization, who withdrew after Beijing forgave Cameroonian debt. China also reportedly threatened to cut off important exports to other countries if they refused to back Beijing’s candidate. The Chinese candidate won."

--- Did I mention the mafia?

‘Eating blood-soaked dumplings’: Beijing’s dehumanising propaganda during Covid-19

"For many Chinese Communist Party officials and “Wolf Warrior” diplomats, the supposed greatness of the country’s response to the coronavirus epidemic is a matter not of strategy but of superstitious faith."

--- No wonder, since communism is essentially a religion, & in China under Xi, anyway, everything has become a matter of belief.

China calls Hong Kong protesters a 'political virus'

"Beijing’s top political office in Hong Kong has called protesters a “political virus” and said the semi-autonomous city will never be calm until “poisonous” and “violent” black-clad demonstrators are eliminated."

--- Dehumanising opponents & calling for their elimination. Hmm, where did we have that before?

China launches new rocket into space as it steps up Moon landing plans

"China launches new rocket into space as it steps up Moon landing plans"

--- Not quite, it seems: China's space test hits snag with capsule 'anomaly'

Coronavirus: Can live-streaming save China's economy?

"Now there are thousands of live-streamings out there and consumers are starting to wonder how come we have gone back to a communication activity that looks much like a 1990s telemarketing show."

--- Well, people don't change much.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Hong Kong Has Become a Prison"

--- CNBC: "Beijing to Pres. Donald Trump: Tariffs should not be used as a weapon"

--- CNA: "Violent protesters in Hong Kong are a "political virus": HKMAO"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Erstkäufer bescheren VW in China ein Wunder

"Viele der Erstkunden entschieden sich dafür, ein eigenes Auto zu kaufen, um dem Risiko einer Corona-Ansteckung in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zu entkommen"

--- Gute Idee, vermutlich. Nur wird das in Großstädten nicht so einfach sein, da die Zulassungszahlen oft begrenzt sind.

USA gegen China - auch ein Kampf der Systeme

"Die US-Regierung wirft China vor, das Virus sei in einem Labor in Wuhan entstanden."

--- Nicht wirklich. Wird auch im Text selber anders dargestellt. Warum werden Untertitel anscheinend immer von den größten Idioten in der Redaktion geschrieben?

Trump-Regierung will Lieferketten aus China entfernen

"Die Senkung der Abhängigkeit von Lieferketten in China sei ein wichtiger Beitrag zur amerikanischen Sicherheit."

--- Was das Wuhanvirus eindeutig gezeigt haben dürfte.

"Bei der angestrebten Verlagerung von Lieferketten suchen die Amerikaner den Schulterschluss mit internationalen Partnern."

--- Wird schwierig, mit dem Trumpel an der Spitze.

Bericht: Xiaomi-Smartphones spionieren ihre Benutzer aus

"Tierney fand heraus, dass zwei Browser-Apps von Xiaomi in Googles Play Store, Mi Browser Pro und Mint Browser, ein vergleichbares Verhalten zeigen"

--- Software & Hardware von chinesischen Firmen ist nunmal ein Datenschutzrisiko.


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