China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-05-13

in #china4 years ago

First posted on Hive.

English news:

China’s Jilin city goes into partial lockdown to contain coronavirus cluster

"All 21 community cases [...] are linked to a 45-year-old woman who is a laundry worker for the public security bureau in nearby Shulan"

--- & there the story ends, because:

"How the woman contracted the disease is still a mystery since there had been no local cases reported for 73 days before she fell ill, and she had not travelled out of the province or been in contact with anyone returning from overseas."

--- Must be a horror for the CCP, all those control measures with almost complete surveillance & they still can't figure out how the virus spreads.

US officially warns China is launching cyberattacks to steal coronavirus research

"The joint warning from the FBI and DHS's cyber arm, CISA, warns "organizations researching COVID-19 of likely targeting and network compromise by the People's Republic of China (PRC).""

--- Not much of a surprise, only that the FBI specifically accuses China.

Beijing hits back at Trump call to block US pension fund investment in China

"to stop the US government’s main pension fund from investing in Chinese equities will only hurt US investors, Beijing has warned"

--- So, no problem for China then. No big deal.

FBI arrests researcher for NASA who allegedly failed to report ties to China

"Ang's close ties to the Chinese government and employment with numerous Chinese companies would have made him ineligible to receive grants issued by United States government agencies."

--- He just took Chinese money. Pretty much what a lot of Western companies & governments are doing.

'The stakes are higher': Hong Kong's battle lines redrawn for post-Covid protests

"To protect the reporters from further clashes with the police, the government should work out an accreditation system for reporters covering public order incidents."

--- Of course, just for the safety of reporters, absolutely not to keep critical journalists from reporting. We just want to have orderly freedom of the press with Chinese characteristics.

Hong Kong is pushing a controversial national anthem bill just as protests are kicking off again

"Once law, it will be illegal to misuse or insult "March of the Volunteers," with offenders subject to a fine of up to $6,450 (50,000 HKD), and three years in prison."

--- Ah, Hong Kong, you've had a good life, but it's time now to depart into hell.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "China’s Coronavirus Diplomacy Backfires"

--- Sky News (AUS): "CIA claim China pushed for World Health Organisation to downplay deadly coronavirus"

--- WION: "Another Chinese city becomes COVID-19 hotspot"

--- Sky News (AUS): "Communist China 'sends a warning shot at Australia'"

Not in the news (yet):

Seemingly now it's illegal to swear in HK

& reporting on cop behaviour leads to being peppersprayed

Deutsche Nachrichten:

China schadet sich mit seiner aggressiven Außenpolitik selbst

"Dass die Abgesandten des chinesischen Außenministeriums von Peking nicht von ihrem aggressiven Verhalten abgehalten werden, deutet darauf hin, dass das Verhalten von ganz oben zumindest gebilligt wird."

--- Wer was anderes glaubt, ist vermutlich nicht mehr ganz dicht.

"Noch halten sich viele Nationen wie etwa Deutschland mit Kritik an China zurück, nicht zuletzt, weil sie auf die Lieferung von Schutzmasken aus der Volksrepublik angewiesen sind."

--- & weil soviel schönes, chinesisches Geld winkt.

China nutzt jede Gelegenheit, seinen Einfluss in Europa zu stärken

"die EU ist geprägt von divergierenden Interessenlagen und Lösungsvorstellungen der Mitgliedsländer. Wie auch immer die politischen Lösungen und wirtschaftlichen Massnahmen ausfallen werden, europäische Länder sollten die geopolitische Dimension im Auge behalten."

--- Geopolitik? Es geht um's Geld! Da muß die Politik hintanstehen.

Mehr Abschottung ist die falsche Antwort

"Die ordnungspolitische Frage ist somit die nach der Standortattraktivität für Investoren – bewertet im globalen Wettbewerb. Das bedeutet Öffnung statt Abschottung."

--- Genau. Wir wollen Geld aus China. Mehr Geld aus China.

Jilin ist weitgehend abgeschottet

"Die aktuelle Lage ist recht komplex und ernst, und es besteht das gewaltige Risiko, dass das Virus sich weiter ausbreiten wird"

--- Tja, all die Überwachungsmaßnahmen & doch keine Ahnung, woher dieser neue Ausbruch kommt.