China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-05-15

in #china5 years ago

Posted first on Hive.

English news:

Trump threat to cut trade ties over Covid-19 branded 'lunacy' by Chinese media

"We could cut off the whole relationship. Now, if you did, what would happen? You’d save $500bn"

--- How so?

US increases military pressure on China as tensions rise over pandemic

"Over the last few weeks US Navy ships and Air Force B-1 bombers have undertaken missions aimed at sending a very public message that the US military intends to maintain a presence in the region and reassure allies."

--- Yeah, but that's not increasing the pressure, it's just maintaining the status quo.

Ancient DNA indicates human population shifts and admixture in northern and southern China

"Genetic differentiation was higher in the past than the present, reflecting a major episode of admixture involving northern East Asian ancestry spreading across southern East Asia after the Neolithic, transforming the genetic ancestry of southern China."

--- No surprise there. I wonder, though, why they only mention admixture as a reason for this. What about genocide? Was pretty common in the past.
But, then again, the Chinese Academy of Sciences was heavily involved in the study. (Although not as heavily as they want to make believe in this article on
Related, but different:

The ChinaMAP analytics of deep whole genome sequences in 10,588 individuals

"The Chinese Han population could be mainly distinguished into 7 population clusters, including Northwest Han (Gansu, Shaanxi), North Han (Beijing, Tianjin, Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Shanxi), East Han (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui), Central Han (Hubei), Southeast Han (Fujian), South Han (Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan, Yunnan, Jiangxi) and Lingnan Han (Guangdong, Guangxi)"

Unemployment ticks higher in China as coronavirus shock to economy persists

"at the end of April, the number of migrant workers who had returned to their jobs in the cities was about 90% of what it was a year ago"

--- Which is rather dubious. But, even if true, that 10% is still more than 20 million people not included in official unemployment statistics.

Wuhan residents brave queues as coronavirus mass testing begins

"But the safety measures inside are really bad. [People] are too close and the testing person handled a lot of samples from people but I didn’t see him wash his hands."

--- Medical hygiene with Chinese characteristics.

China is mobilizing its global media machine in the coronavirus war of words

"Straightforward reports about the number of cases or new treatments for the virus appear alongside glowing TV segments on China's successful response to the virus"

--- Nothing about official Chinese numbers is straightforward.

US targets Huawei with tighter chip export rules

"The new rule bars semiconductor-makers that use US technology and software in chip design from shipping to Huawei without US government permission"

--- But permissions will be given, just like before. There just needs to be enough money involved.

"China on Friday threatened to place US companies on an "unreliable entity list""

--- Totally unrelated, non-retaliatory measure, of course.

Taiwan rejects China's main condition for WHO participation

"Taiwan attended the WHA as an observer from 2009-2016 but China blocked further participation after the election of Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen"

--- Totally unrelated, non-punitive measure, of course.

Anger as Hong Kong watchdog clears police over protest response

"While labelling police action as ‘brutality’, the protesters seem to disregard their own violence, vandalism and vigilantism."

--- While labelling protest actions as violence, vandalism & vigilantism, the authorities (incl. IPCC) disregard police brutality.

"No officer has ever been prosecuted, despite numerous acts of apparent misconduct towards protesters, media and bystanders being captured on film"

--- Birds of a feather...

"When IPCC says ‘there is no evidence’, it is probably because it is not allowed to investigate and find those [sic!] evidence"

--- & because they don't want to see it.
cf.: ‘Absurd, preposterous, whitewash’: Reactions pour in as Hong Kong police watchdog clears force of wrongdoing

--- & then there was this: The Guardian & CNN also picked up on the cliff village story from yesterday. CNN uncritically relates the official Chinese narrative, while the Guardian shows a much more balanced approach. Yesterday's BBC story was somewhere in between.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored has the usual weekend variety:

--- Quartz: "How China’s swine fever epidemic turned into a global crisis"

--- Quartz has put up a number of videos today (perhaps because they terminate their video division?), eg. this: How to grow weed in China, legally

--- CNA: "Hong Kong watchdog says police 'acted within guidelines' during anti-government protests"

Not in the news (yet):

HK administration executive claims Jews profited from nazi rule

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Tapfer für Taiwan

"leider ist nicht zu erwarten, dass China die Initiative als Indiz dafür begreifen wird, wie viel Porzellan es durch seine Politik im Zuge der Corona-Krise zerschlagen hat"

--- Warum sollte es auch, solange es keine Konsequenzen zu befürchten hat.

Spekulationen über kompletten Abbruch der USA-China-Beziehungen

"Wir können auch die gesamte Beziehung beenden"

--- Das übliche Getrumpel ohne Sinn & Verstand. Bietet nur Futter für Spiegel & Co.

Gezielte Verstimmung über China

"Die bereits geltenden Sanktionen zwingen amerikanische Firmen, eine spezielle Exportlizenz zu beantragen, um nach Genehmigung Geschäfte mit Huawei machen zu können."

--- & das gilt auch zukünftig. Ändert sich nicht viel.