IS HONG KONG a test of REAL CHINESE geopoltical POWER? What if China can't be stopped?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #china5 years ago (edited)




Dear readers, this is surely one of my shortest publications lately and I won't take much of your time. I reckon even a likely majority of you might not even pay much attention to this growing conflict between those two powers and may not even have an oppinion on this particular topic.

However I'm hoping that some of you may see the bigger picture related to the current tension between Hong Kong and mainland China. I can only hope that you will share your opinion with me, as I'm trying to make sense of the events unfolding in that part of the world.

For the past few days, a large number of Hong Kong citizens were protesting against the growing Chinese influence. At some point the crowd of protestors reached almost 2mln people, which would make this "event" the biggest I've ever heard about. For that reason alone it's worth paying some minor attention.

I'm not going to go deep into reasons behind those protests and goals that some parties might want to achieve. What's obviuos is that China encountered its first real resistance and if Hong Kong will fail then the message to the world should be clear: we are unstoppable right now.

The eyes of entire world should be directed towards this conflict.

Mainland China and G20


"China will not allow G20 to discuss Hong Kong, says foreign minister ".
And that's about it. I'm not sure if China ever had that much power and influence, to be capable of impacting G20 in such a way. And that surely is a scary thing.

I usually keep my distance from politics and I wouldn't dare to discuss the policies of the US or EU openly with others. However I'm not planning to visit China anytime soon in my lifetime and luckily I still feel safe discussing those topics from a "very safe distance".



The question I would like to ask today is: how long can we (western civilization) feel comfortable and safe, knowing that the political expansion of China is speeding up. We are already complaining about our current authorities and social media giants and we're pointing out growing an online censorship and control over western population ... just imagine how much worse could it be if China would "dictate standards". I found it terrifying.

I strongly believe that if Hong Kong fails and will be left alone by other countries in this struggle, then Hong Kong will be remembered as last real power that could stop or at least slow down this expansion.



Obviously I'm fully aware that access to any "real" information is very limited and I may have misjudged the entire conflict and potential results. Perhaps some of you have your own opinion on that particular issue and would like to share it with me?

I would also like to repeat my initial question: "What if China can't be stopped?". How do you guys imagine world with their values and way of ruling being forced upon us?

I read, upvote and reply to all comments.



I think that China is very very strong and still can do what ever she want

It's will take some time until it's will change

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Hello my dear friend @crypto.piotr I would like to apologize with because I couldn’t reply all your comments and memos that I received from you..

My mind is very crowded and news like this one is very difficult to talk. Also just the question sounds very sadness...!!!

What if China can't be stopped?".

It could be a very terrible problem for Hong Kong and China. And destroy another countries between them..

This is not about just political issues, this is about global economy, people right ... new laws destroy everything..!!

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Hi @edgarare1

please do not need for appology. I'm glad whenever you have moment to engage back. However I'm fully aware that we all have our own lives and responsibilities outside Steemit

Thx for sharing your thoughts.

It is an insult to call someone from Hong Kong Chinese same with people from Taiwan as I understood years ago.

For years products were made in Taiwan or.. Now it's made in China... what does that mean?

I doubt we, Western world, can and should interfere worldwide. It seems to be very hard to accept some countries have different lifestyles from ours. We like to point the finger at others and ignore our own issues.

No matter what happens each change will infect someone, some country or countries.

The influence of China isn't more annoying as the influence of the USA, Europe, the Arabic countries, etc.

Many agreed and planned already years ago what the world should look like.

I hope China gives a bit in. It's not worth another fight.


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Good point about China "not being more annoying." The US and the European powers are often very, very annoying!

If you have to start a memo transfer with...I am not a bot...good sign you are doing something wrong!

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Dear @creativesoul

Perhaps you're right. On the other hand I noticed that response rate is growing a lot when my memos starts with such an opening, comparing to those who do not.

Thank you for your feedback. I hope I didn't upset you with that memo.


Not the time I was just slightly annoyed because of how random it was. Topics like politics don't hold as much interest for me compared to art and creativity or gardening and homesteading and spiritual I don't have anything valuable to add to the discussion. could take a brief look at the blogs to determine if the theme of the post you are advertising might be interesting to the user based on what they display there. It wouldn't cover all of your bases because we all have other interests...outside of what we decide to blog about...but it would take some of the random spamminess factor away. You could target your audience a little better.

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China is definitely on the rise, in terms of both economy and political power. In fact, some people say that the US sees China as a bigger geo-political threat than Russia. And rightly so!

As of now, it seems as if China is still primarily focused on controlling its own population (including that of Hong Kong).

Nevertheless, as China's power continues to grow and as the US empire
continues to collapse, we can't be sure of what China will do. But we can be certain that it's not necessarily benign or benevolent!

China reached a pick in terms of economic potential that themselves and no other country could even imagine or dream a few years ago.

With that larger increase in profit and wealth in a communist regime that is based in a social dictatorship at their core foundations would be more than obvious that some things have to give at the end. Those consequences are now rising with the open war declared from the United States and now Hong Kong Manifestations.

In my opinion, this is small progress and can be a beacon of hope and change for many people in China, Hong Kong, and other countries that are afraid of consequences if they speak or demand changes to the system. China, like the entire world, has to make a lot of changes now and learn how to respect and care more about the people and be afraid of retaliation if they don't do so.

If on the rest of the worlds leaders and politics parties are more aware and more respectful of their actions and other peoples beliefs and opinions it's also due to the 'social media era of apps and platforms' growth we are currently living despite all the bad things associated to them.


China can be the closest country in terms of how they allow social media to spread, but in every rich countries, there will be always people that look even further than just their small square of land and want more. To them, I and everyone should be proud of that transformation and truly hope for the success this little achievements brings to us all.

Thank you for your amazing comment @kreesher

Appreciate it a lot.

Yours, Piotr

You're welcome crypto.piotr. Glad I could join and be a part of this important discussion topic. We have still to wait and see how it will unfold in the end since there are constant updates on this.

Keep the great work you are doing! Bringing these important subjects up to discussion and add a new point of view to them, so people can also share there thoughts and opinions.

I love how responsive you are @kreesher :)


Friend @crypto.piotr brought a very important issue that we all should try to know a bit about it.
The Asian giant as they usually call it is not for nothing that earned that name, it is a giant, although you do not believe it if you can be defeated and a way is in China's own economy sounds difficult but you can.

Currently the government of the United States is giving the battle, the Asians do not like that, it is one of the reasons why they are clinging and trying to impose themselves before other smaller countries, however the transfer of sovereignty From Hong Kong on the part of the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China, known as "the return" or "the reunification" from that Chinese moment began its claim of economic interests for which they are affected by China, which brings clear consequences that brings them and are not encouraging for Hong Kong,

We must see the bulls from afar, looking for alternatives of protection, without the need to reach a confrontation.

lanz jose g

Thank you @crypto.piotr for this immense contribution. You have been a supportive member to many steem users, and would like to follow you and learn much which in some way will help me to grow my steem business. In the mean time let's chat and see how possible you can help me. Thank you vwery much.

This conflict is magnified by several underlying subjects.

While it's apparently a conflict China / Hong Kong, it is mainly the result of a loss of soft-power by many other countries.

First off, the USA, one may or may not appreciate Trump / feel comfortable with him, but the results of his actions are that America lost tons of soft-power. Between the people who just can't make sense out of him, and all of the obvious flaws in his reign, USA is widely seen as having lost a lot of its influence. Many leaders worldwide who had a long-standing relationship with the USA are turning the other way now.

As a result, that place of diplomatic leader, usually held by the USA has been freed. There were several candidates who could have taken its place... but: France's Macron (My country) got undermined by the idiots "Gilets Jaune" and Great Britain has the Brexit, meanwhile, Merkel's recent health troubles have left her international political power weaker.

Result? China saw an opportunity. Since the USA is closing on itself and using hard power, Europe has not managed to make a true united political front, and its individual countries were undermined, there is a great space for China to take action.

With little to no power to stop it right now, China has to strike before things have settled down. It involves itself where the USA has abandoned & the others have not made progress, such as middle-orient. Getting back Hong Kong is only possible now that the other countries' leader doesn't have the power/backing from their citizens to achieve anything significant.

We citizens of the countries are the ones who allowed China to do that by not supporting our own government. When China will have a say in the UNESCO we'll ask our leader why they didn't do a thing about it, and odds are they'll throw it back at us, "did you give us the power to act at that time?" and the answer is no. We critic all forms of governments, but they are the ones who can act/oppose governments such as China, Rusia, etc.

We're so assured that they should first think of our country and nothing else, that we forget that we're frogs in a well: we ignore what's going on elsewhere and we don't care. It's fine since it's not our role, that's the gvt's role. But it needs legitimacy to do so.

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Thank you for that amazing comment @djennyfloro

We critic all forms of governments, but they are the ones who can act/oppose governments such as China, Rusia, etc.

Very bloody wise words.

Yours, Piotr