How easy is it to ruin a young Chinese?

in #china6 years ago


In China, walking down the street, I feel that my eardrums have been bombarded by the vibrato. I love you from

CliCli123.From Despacito to confirming your eyes;Waiting for queues, restaurants, bus stops, etc., 90% of people are

brushing their phones, and their mouths appear from time to time.Honey juice smiles;On the circle of friends and on

Weibo, countless people sent such feelings: "The vibrato is poisonous, and I have actually brushed it all day. ”

There are statistics, vibrato, fast hands and other 85% of users under the age of 24, basically after 95, or even after 00.

More and more young people spend their time on small videos and glimpse the lives and lives of others through their

mobile phones.Then put down the phone and suddenly felt that everything around him was uninteresting.

In The Tale of Two Cities, Dickens said: "This is the best era. Thisis the worst era."

In this era, it is really easy to destroy a young Chinese.


For example, most girls who play small videos, most of them are young girls after 00, I pay attention to one The girl’s

vibrating number, wearing a school uniform is probably going to middle school, I watched her dressed in Korean air

bangs, brownBeautiful color, slightly mature red lipstick, and school uniform skirt deliberately folded over the knee······

After paying attention to her vibrato, she found that she updated the short video several times a day. I don't know her

every time.How long does it take to make makeup, practice finger dancing, and match the mouth shape. I only know

that if her daily life is occupied by the vibratoThe time and energy that can be used for learning are bound to be few.

I have seen such a survey: the most eager emerging after 95,In the profession, the anchor and net red accounted for

54%. However, these anchors and net reds are all delivered to young people.What kind of values? There are beautiful

women's red live tearing books, high-profile claims: they do not read the same as driving a sports car,College students

also have to work for them; 17-year-old girls have plastic surgery, nightclubs, show off their wealth, and private life

is chaotic, but withA short video of shaking his head and shaking his head, getting a million praises; after 00, the net red

is better than the early pregnancy, straightSowing the belly, drying the baby, and sharing some "related experience",

holding the child will be able to make money by the way. These onesThe popularity of people makes young people see a

shortcut to success. As long as they are red, they will have money.Some minors whose outlook on life and values ??are

not yet mature, seeing another through the world of net redLive law. Since it is so simple, you can earn quick money and

attention. Who is willing to hang the beam and the cone?What? Since taking a short video can get the salary of a normal

white-collar worker for a few months, who is willing to work diligentlyDo it? Reading is too bitter, work is too tired, it is

better to make a red face, send a few short videos to earn attention and flow. It is best to pick up a rich gold lord, and

you will be able to enjoy the most glamorous life.I don't know how many people are poisoned by such values, ruining

their studies and degrading their youth. Thinking hard.In this era, it is enough to destroy a Chinese young person and

only need a derailed value.


At 3:30 in the morning, I forgot to turn off the phone and I was woken up by a WeChat prompt.A look at the place where

you sleep, is a invitation from a friend to send a "eat chicken" team.It is obviously a working day, she actually played the

game and did not sleep in the early hours of the morning.Some people say that modern Chinese young people are used

to brushing the sense of existence in the WeChat movement and finding love in online novels.

In the game, "Glory of the King" is achieved.The entertainment circle gossip news on Weibo makes you immersed in

the celebrity trivia of the stars;The short public number and headline article are controlled at about 2000 words, so that

you can finish reading in 5 minutes;Shaking a short video for 15 seconds gives you a boost, and you never know what to

brush in the next 15 seconds.These software, which are recommended by traffic and algorithmic mechanisms, are using

your big data to slowly empty your time.Why are these software so addictive?Because every click, every slide, you have

real-time feedback.These timely feedbacks stimulate the brain to produce dopamine multiple times and form a

dependence, eager for the next stimulus to come.Into the dead loop.These softwares that provide short-term pleasure

are like uncompromising spiritual opium.You stare smugly at the screen of your mobile phone, play until you

forget, and see your eyes sour, but you don’t know your deep thinking.The force is gradually being eroded.In the end,

except for a lot of time was wasted, you have nothing to gain, leaving only a full emptiness.Do you have such an

experience?Working daily, obviously want to concentrate on completing a task, but in a blink of an eye, it is attracted by

a hot news pushed by the mobile phone.attention;When I got home, I used my headphones to shake the sound and

watch the online drama. My partner was fully engaged in the world of the game.Although people are under the same

roof, they can’t say two words in one night;The network segment is coming, and the stalk on the vibrato knows

more than anyone else. The name of the net red is like a few treasures, but forgetsHow long have you not seen a classic

movie or a paper book?You slowly become the kind of person you once despised, farther and farther away from the

energetic teenager in memory.Your life has become a simple two-point line, and you have lost any upward momentum

in your false satisfaction.In this era, it is enough to destroy a Chinese young person and only need an app that can get a

short-term pleasure.


In this fast-paced era, those who choose to slow down are "similar", but they make people feel cute.Like singer Li Jian,

when I was filming "I am a singer," I was exposed to the old Nokia keyboard player.machine.He said: "Without a

smartphone, there is a lot less chance of being disturbed."He is like a bystander of life, quietly listening to music,

reading, thinking, and observing the world.He will force himself to read some of the more difficult classic books:

"Fairy tale is easy to read, but people can't just read fairy tales in their lives, or force themselves to read someA book

that does not understand and is not easy to read. Forcing yourself to read it, there will be gains. ”The ideal life in his

mind is to let himself be in another space, to travel, with a book and a small piano.Like writer Pique Yell, fleeing

Manhattan's skyscrapers, turning off computers, throwing away mobile phones, and fleeing the city.Hey.

He likes to be alone and think, to let the spirit and body be completely relaxed, and to give himself a blank space.

Mr. Lin Yutang once said: "It is not enough for a person to have this life alone. He should also have a poetic world.

Boundary. ”From them, what I saw was not the impetuous values, the short-term pleasure of emptiness, but a quiet

force.How many people said in their mouths: "Garbage games, destroying my youth." "Vibrato is poisonous and wastes

time."However, ruining you is not a vibrating, not a game, but you are not self-disciplined.

When you are separated from the derailed values ??and virtual pleasures, re-examine yourself and examine the

surroundings.You will find that what really gives you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction is something that requires

long-term commitment.The Lifetime Growth Dictionary entry "10: Time" says: Your energy distribution reflects the level

of people you are.If you follow the monthly fitness program, you will gain a better body and a healthier body;If you use

the time to brush Weibo, vibrate, and play games, your conversation and writing skills will be 1 year later.a qualitative

changeIf you can spend some time improving your professional skills after work, you can also turn your sleep income

after 3 years.Doubled.Chai Jing wrote in "Seeing": "By breaking free from the ignorance of thinking, this is alive."

Don't let yourself become a young man who is ruined by impetuous values ,and short-term pleasure.

Your short-lived pleasure every day is overdrafting the future.


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