The future trend of China 30 yearssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #china6 years ago

Introduction: negative interest rates, the property market unpopular, the devaluation of the renminbi is bringing deep insecurity, everyone asks, what will happen in the future? Your money can increase, can not be added?

In fact, a lot of success and failure, largely determine are not their own personal ability, but is the trend to decide. If one is not universal profit on the market, I found out that money is generally hard money, it is with people than manual to make money, spend more time to do more research, those are hard money. The only profitable opportunity is only one, is the time * will make money, I have the opportunity to make money.

Over the past ten years we have the trend of opportunity is asset appreciation, a large number of real estate developers is very strong in the past ten years of profitability, in the past ten years to buy a real person also earned!

So in the future? Only by understanding the China trend in the next thirty years, we can make a lot of money!

How do we look at the future of China? After eighteen, after two years of testing, the next three years or even five years, thirty years, China what will change? In the next thirty years, we have become accustomed to change development mode fundamentally, the next thirty years is a "big" era, will bring three reconstruction".

First, the reconstruction of order

Thirty years before the "big break", after thirty years of "dali"

From the process of reform and opening up to now a total of more than thirty years. Thirty years ago, can be said that "big break", has broken many traditional things. In the past thirty years, the development is the hard truth. The State encourages the dashing, dare to think, dare to change.

China still believe that "popularity", "a cover 100 Jun ugly" and "flexible" concept, thinking these are already formed a kind of subconscious. Under some bad influence, many speculators have become a millionaire or officials.

Now, this unspoken rule has not, "big break" era, "Dali" era is coming. In order to break this unspoken rule, reconstruction of rules and order, so the anti-corruption is the need for a certain period of time, can be said to be completely uprooted.

Secondly, moral reconstruction

The reconstruction of morality, also is the cultural reconstruction

China thousands of years of problems, to find a long period of stability Road, not only to learn from the west, but also to learn our ancestors left.

We have a lot of good things are lost, and if there is no morality, ethics, culture, integrity, it will make a lot of people have become economic animal, everything is for money.

From now five to ten years, the most important is definitely "credit". No credit will can't do anything. No credit costs will be more and more can not afford.

Now we urgently need to rebuild the culture, the traditional culture of "Chinese, integrity, loyalty and filial piety" these have already begun nurturing folk.

Moral reconstruction, need ten years to twenty years, everyone will experience this process.

Third, ecological reconstruction

The development of any one place, can not escape the three stages: the first is the original ecology; second is the ecological damage; the third stage is the ecological reconstruction.

London 100 years ago, also known as the fog, now as long as it doesn't rain is the blue sky. Japan took 30 years to improve the environment, two hours of walking in the streets of Tokyo, you will feel very good, see a little rubbish. So, don't just look at the moment to seek development, to look at the long-term, to rebuild the ecological direction, leading the industry to high-end. Whether to do tourism, agriculture and science and technology, ideas should be the same, all enterprises related back to industrial ecology, are promising. So, we are not the excessive pursuit of speed of development, enterprises should really go to business, efforts to tap their own core competitiveness, in order to truly ensure the healthy development of enterprises.

The next three years, where is the gold?

The first 30 years if the "platform is king, 30 years after that is certainly" content is king".

Thirty years ago, many Fortune boss is on staking, seize resources. For coal mine enterprises to seize the resources now, energy prices fell, all set to die in there; so is the real estate business, we do real estate, one hundred acres of it now, hundreds of thousands of acres, many enterprises are also set to die in there. Before the pursuit of speed, a lot of real estate and city operations, mostly playing concept and speculation, few people work hard to improve it, really do content.

The next thirty years is "content is king" and "platform" for the "content" and produce value.

Do the health industry enterprises, do just look like a small life nursing instrument, but has very good market prospects. Before the company is considered as the scale and speed, it should put the contents of the reality, to have more room for development.

Now many real estate developers have low noble head, upside down looking for industrial cooperation with the contents of the pension industry. The next step will be the emergence of a phenomenon, will make the content of the enterprise will become a valuable commodity.

Why is there such a phenomenon? Because today's China platform overcapacity, lack of content. So the next from the "platform" content is king is king "to 30 years". Do the service industry, catering, health care of the pension industry, the future will find space for development.

Thirty years ago to focus on "eat, live";

After 30 years will focus on "travel, culture, entertainment"

Over the past thirty years, the extensive mode of economic development, which belongs to the full stage. "Eat" refers to the diet, thirty years ago, Zong Qinghou will be able to become a Wahaha Chinese richest man, selling drinks, food can have great development.

"Live", China more than 10 years half the richest man is doing real estate, real estate enterprises in the future Chinese, there may be quite a part of the assets of the discount, or even lose everything, only to build a house, sell a house is dead.

The "line", refers to the car, these years our country's auto sales for several consecutive years are the first in the world, the city traffic jams everywhere, resulting in bad environment. Now with the development of high-speed railway, the next step may have a lot of money but pay attention to environmental protection of people will choose high-speed rail travel, green travel.

Thirty years of business opportunities where is the future?

The first is the "tour"

"Travel" is to improve the quality of life, go out to play, recreation, living. Not to say that the travel tickets would be finished, now Chinese travel or side tied with grass, while hungry cattle ", tourism and leisure market has growth spurt, Chinese to become the world's largest tourism and leisure market.

The second is to keep the"

"The" is the pension, health, Yangxin and son. This to the public, is a huge just need. Especially in the education industry, the three why move? Chinese have a saying called "dye in the pale yellow, pale, with yellow", "there is such a word:" Confucius Jiayu "live with a good, such as good environment, long and not smell its fragrance, and the men. With the living, such as objectionable environment for a long time without the smell, also with it." The future for the training and education of the child will be a key, have great market prospects.

The third is "entertainment"

Entertainment is entertainment, more broadly, the cultural industry. In the mobile Internet era, "entertainment", including Mobile Games tours, sports industry, culture travel industry. Two days ago, Wang Jianlin has spent billions to build hanxiu park. Why did he dare to hit the money? Because he knows that Chinese has a huge market demand.

Songcheng boss Huang Qiao Ling, Songcheng created 15 years ago, at the beginning of night's guests, in order to attract guests, make a drama called "eternal love" in Songcheng. About eight years ago, suddenly a change, a lot of people in order to see the show, the day will not come to Songcheng, but at night. After Huang Qiaoling discovered this, put the focus on the play to create. Huang Qiaoling said, now to build three drama, a drama by more than 3000 viewers, the show will be listed.

This is the Chinese emerging changes: many people began to garnish as the main course, behind this, is from the "platform for the king" to "content is king". The industry is playing out, especially with the new generation grew up, appeared a lot of new gameplay, will mean a huge gold deposit.

How to increase the value of future wealth?

To increase the leverage effect of assets

Simple count, if the annual growth of assets in 10%, just right this time.

Any single financial products are difficult to give to your income, so it must be combined and combined assets investment, to maintain more aggressive leveraged assets. The whole world is now in the large-scale printing money to Europe from the United States, japan.

Japan in the past three years, the quantity of money doubled. Now the world is in deflation period, so from the wealth security perspective, it is the best way to spend money to buy out, no matter what is right. To maintain a relatively aggressive financial attitude, can guarantee the value of rmb.

Equity investment entrepreneurs

For what? From the most radical point of view, the next ten years is the most worthy of investment China two. A vote is good business, good investment is second people.

Now 3200 new board company, I think it will be more than six thousand to 10000 within two years. Now China annual fund trust bond business of large-scale development, start-up companies China has the world's largest small and medium sized enterprises.

The government put forward the people business, so in a sense, we are going to vote for a good business. So, equity investment is an important means to win the first China future economic development.

The second is investment "good people", "good man" is twenty years ago we. Twenty years ago young people today are 80, 90, you have to find those good people, may be your child, may be your subordinates, may also be on the road to the young man, money hungry. Find them, give them money.

So like 60 and 70 out of the friends, for the future of the business world's greatest contribution is what?

Is to take our first half earn hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, put the money in the Chinese market, the global market, the enterprise to support young and young people. We use this way to see the second half of the construction. This is the second strategy.

A global asset allocation and the quality of real estate investment

The front half of the assets to do some very radical measures, the other part should take out for a global asset allocation.

A global asset allocation, a lot of people to the United States to buy a house, or go to Europe to buy a shop, and the global asset allocation should be handed over to the real process of professional care.

To arrange some hedge products, these products are not only to buy a house, so simple to buy shops, this is a global asset allocation, we need to learn.

The following is the quality of real estate investment. Over the past ten years, you in any one city China bought house is all right, but today, we dare not think this sentence. A city house is worth buying, is determined by a lot of factors.

First of all to consider the city in the next three to five years, the population outflow or inflow;

Second, the industrial output value of the city over the past few years is increased or decreased, the proportion of the second industry and the third industry is how to adjust the;

Thirdly, the city over the past few years and the next few years, the sale of land is not rational, how much inventory, also want to consider;

Fourth, the city government administrative efficiency is high or low, what kind of public facilities.

All of these together, it can be decided that the next few years the city house is up or down, to buy or not to buy.

Today to buy a house can not close their eyes to a very big buy, you can buy a good house, good real estate or worthy of collection and configuration.

To invest two things, their health and spiritual consumption

We are going to watch movies, travel, reading and good opera, we want to know the whole world of human civilization to a lot of achievements today, to exchange them with money and time. We should not just busy making money every day.

Only two of the investment, we can truly become middle class