Why do Chinese people exaggerate time?

in #chinese7 years ago (edited)

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When I hit the age of 20, my father would often nag at me with the word "You're almost 30, get your sh*t together!".

I would feel bewildered as I had just hit 20 and he's complaining that I'm almost 30. I didn't understand his sense of time.

Or it would be 4 PM and he'll say it's almost 5 PM.

I didn't understand this rounding of time to the furthest number ahead possible.

As I enter into my late 30's I now understand his sentiment. Time really does fly.

I'm now noticing how hours can seem like minutes, and that only so much can be accomplished within a day.

The sentiment behind my father's word is not to waste your time. Make the most of it, whatever it is you choose to do with it. Embrace time. Accomplish something. Enjoy something, but just don't waste it.

Before your eyes you'll be 30, then 40, then you'll be retired. You grand children will be all grown up. Don't miss out on life.

Do the things that matter. Spend time with family. Create. Have fun. Travel.