JOHN 6:1-15

In the life of Jesus, as we read in the above text, some jews offered him a crown, desiring to make him king by force, but Jesus rejected it. Ordinarily, many would grab the opportunity, but Jesus did not. Have you ever wondered why?

Experiences have taught that it is not every gift one is offered that one should accept. While some gifts come as simply as they are-gifts- there are some others that are a cloak for enslaving the recipient. the proverbial "Greek gift" which turned out not to ba a gift but a death apparatus is still offered by many today, and a lot of people are falling prey to the hideous intentions of the givers by receiving such gifts from them. This was the type of gift that was given to Jesus, this was the type of crown that the people proposed to put on the head of Jesus, and this was the type of crown that Jesus rejected. seeing through their insincerity, Jesus walked away from this tempting offer and later on he would tell the people why.

After Jesus had gone up the mountain, the next day, the people went looking for him. and when they found him, Jesus said to them "Amen, amen, i say to you, you are looking for me not because you saw signs but because you ate the loaves and were filled. Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the son of man will give you" (Jn 6:26-27).

The crown the people offered Jesus was not a crown of glory but a crown of economic benefits; it was a crown which should make him their "bread king", their economic messiah, the provider of their material needs, the saviour of their stomachs and pockets; it was a crown Jesus could wear only so long as he is able to supply all of their needs. Should he fail to meet their economic and material needs, it would be taken away from him and given to anyone who could fulfill that function. In actual fact therefore, it was not a crown but a work-tool in disguise, a reminder of the nature of his relationship with them. Jesus didn't want such a crown so he turned it down.

We still see in the world today, and more so, in the church, people who are seeking to offer Jesus this very same crown. A lot of people today seek Jesus, not for the salvation of their souls, but for some form of temporal gain, for something that he can offer them or do for them. A lot of people are in Church today not because they want to hear the good news of salvation but because they have come to present to Jesus, the litany of their needs and wants. many goes to Church for one reason or the other. To all such people, Jesus says "you seek me, not because i can save your souls but because you need some temporal blessings, therefore, you seek me for the wrong reasons. And because the motive for which you seek me is wrong, your being in my presence is wrong. Do not only seek me for what i can give you, but seek me for Me".

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