What do you know for sure?

Scripture Reading:Romans 15:22-33
Key Verse: and I am sure that when I come to you, I shall come in the fullness of the gospel of Christ ( Romans 15:29
Meditation: When I was a boy, my uncle would often ask,” well, lad,what do you know for sure?” I would search for some new thing that I had learned about which I was absolutely sure. I was not too sure of anything in those days. My answer now would be very different. If my uncle were alive today, I would answer him with one word:Christ! I may have questions about myself, but I am absolutely sure of Christ.
I am thankful that I can say with Paul what he said to the Christians at Rome:”And I am sure that when I come to you I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.” Now there is a daring, dynamic promise.!It’s one we can all make with assurance.
Paul wrote from Corinth. He eagerly anticipated his visit to Rome, the strategic center of political and military might . The conviction began to grow: What if this earthly power could be won by the power of Christ? “I must see Rome” Paul asserted.
He would come to the struggling church there with an overflowing pcornucopia of superabundant power. He would come with Christ, the gospel, the blessing, and the fulness. Christ was everything to Paul. He was the Author, and,Mediator, Redeemer,Victor,Essence of Indwelling Power, and crown of Life for the Apostle. When he arrived in Rome he taught, preached, lived and shared Christ. While there, he wrote the Philippians”For to me, to live is Christ.” Paul’s gospel was Christ. In Him all the blessing of God had been lavishly poured out in fullness. Nothing was left out. Christ’s fullness alone can fill our emptiness.

Thought for the Day: Christ is the end, for Christ was the beginning
Christ is the beginning, for the end is Christ.


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