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RE: Weed: Does God approve of us using it regularly?

I have friends that use cannabis for severe pain conditions and cannot fault them. Yes, there are psychoactive effects that may not be profitable but, as with most medications, there are side effects. I would defer to its use as a principle of conscience that Romans 14 speaks about. That's just my humble opinion but would love to hear further thoughts.

Romans 14:17 KJVS
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.


Thank you for the Scripture verse. My use was primarily for the psychoactive effects. I enjoyed feeling "fuzzy" and weed helped me get more into artistic endeavors such as painting and playing music. Again, more things God apparently doesn't care much about.

There's always this verse used to argue the use of marijuana:
“Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food." (Gen. 1:29)

But I would say more to your point, it seems like you're speaking about the intoxicating effects if the herb - and there are plenty of verse, New and Old Testament, that speak to intoxication.

I think the best way to approach issues of 'recreational' drug/alcohol use should always boil down to this (and is derived from the Romans verse above): Does consuming this bring me closer to the Lord, or pull me farther away? The Savior is not found in food or drink, but humans have a bad habit of trying to replace Him with things from creation.

Great connection @fcbrandon. Thank you for sharing, yet I still feel this verse falls short of justifying the intoxicating uses of marijuana and other plants, as it seems you might as well.

Nonetheless, yes, I do believe the marijuana use was bringing me closer to the power of God but maybe not in a truly permanent and fruitful sense. What I mean is because God sees something in me, He may have been working in me all along regardless of my very regular marijuana smoking. If anything, he might have been developing my faith to the point where I could subsist on His Word rather than on my own physical attempts at gaining a fleeting salvation.

I wonder also, does Lucifer have the power to influence or deceive in the way where I can be using a drug like pot or even wine (to excess) and be tricked by Lucifer into believing God is in my heart when it is actually Lucifer "congratulating me" or encouraging me to continue seeking my own gratification, rather than aiding those in real need around me?