Kingdom is at hand...

Heres one my prayers for the season...feel free to pray it yourself...

The Kingdom is at hand…declare it again.

Feel it?

you can’t see it
Your heart is at stake, victimized even

unseen battles waging wildly
many of us sitting in the unknown, feeling it, teetering just beyond comprehension
ignoring it, shifting quickly to the seen.

Gently rebuilding an artificial veil…castrating the cross
gently closing down the heart center
convincing ourself of right.
these weapons are so gentle, pacifying…unseen I guess

It’s easier to be the judge
the throne room is dangerous.
To let my heart go again…to choose courage?

Is the Kingdom really….

what if…

What if it really is finished?

What if its not just my heart at stake…

Father would you enlighten the eyes of our heart…
let your heart go out again…desire, dream, and embrace the Kingdom

The Kingdom is at hand…declare it again