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RE: Well, I guess The Bible is not going on Steemit

Just curious, I'm new who is steam cleaners and what right do they have to decide what is plagiarism, from what I've seen there is a lot more plagiarism going on that is much worse than this. Plus, I thought this was designed as a community, I get they may have a lot more voting rights, but still, it doesn't seem right. What if for instance, I hold permissions from Biblica, Inc. to reprint parts of the NIV version of the bible, if a chunk of my post is copywritten material is it going to get flagged.


No, only if it is all copy and pasted from any book. I don't know who gets to choose, but they flagged and took away the rewards with one downvote, so there was no point in pushing the issue. As far as I was concerned it was public domain, but they said that Steemit is here to reward original content, which I do agree with.

It was hard to argue with his passion, so that was why I paid for the account and set him up. He wasn't in it for the money anyhow, which is good, and the reason I kept posting for him.