in #christian-trail6 years ago

He is my friend and a very good one at that.

He invited me to come and do a Job for him.

The Job was progressing very well and is still progressing but along the line something happened.

The thing that happened is the basis of this write up. It may be long but you have to read to the end.

I may not be good at putting my ideas in a few lines but this one I am writing now will help you.

So what happened!?

This friend of mine is married to a pretty lady. It is as if their marriage was made in heaven and confirmed on earth.

His wife fell ill and was taken to the hospital. I left the Job I was doing for this my friend to support him in his time of need.

Job has to wait because a live is under attack.

To cut the long story short, She was admitted into the hospital and in the cause of time, She began to feel better.

In one of my usual visits, I walked into the ward where She was and quickly knew something was wrong.

I was there with two other guys. She told us her husband had come and gone but promised to return back.

I asked her if She was OK, that was when She began to narrate the story of how a pregnant women who was admitted into the next ward died.

She described the incident so vividly and practically directed an aspect of what had happened to me.

Now!, hear what She said about the dead pregnant woman.

The woman was equally rushed to the hospital accompanied by family members.

The woman's younger sister was the one taking care of her. She was a true believer but some of her brothers weren't.

She was professing her faith to God to save her sister from death since their parents had died the previous year.

Despite her prayers, her sister still died. One of her brothers was rebuking her saying "stop praying and crying for God is not listening and has abandoned us"

Now this my Friends wife actually repeated the exact statement to me in the bid for me to provide an explanation for why God should abandon those who trust in Him faithfully.

I can't remember what I answered but knew that my answer wasn't satisfactory to her.

Then She busted out as if she was about to cry, "I want to leave this place"

She doesn't see me in the light of the Job I was doing for her husband but saw and regard me as a Pastor.

In fact through out the period of my stay with her she kept calling me Pastor Chukwuemeka.

Women are amazing creatures, its hard to know what they are thinking at times.

Why would God allow this kind of a thing to happen to one of His Children?

I kept thinking about what this my friends wife said to me and a revelation began to dawn on me.

A new level in my walk with God that I hadn't realized I should be walking in has appeared.

I compared this story with another one.

Please I want you to read this next story also in other to get a clear picture of the revelation I got from it.

They is this other friend of mine, that believes so much in my ministry and her support has been a blessing to me.

She was supposed to get married to a guy who had proposed to her.

The guy in question secretly got married to another person and none of those who knew about the relationship told her about what happened.

When She found out, She was totally devastated and heart broken. She told me about what happened. I can't remember for sure what happened, but I think her mother also died that period she was experiencing emotional and psychological torment.

I traveled to where she was and in the cause of our discussion, I told her not to worry, that she will get married. I described to her what her husband would look like and where he is going to come from.

To cut that story short. She chatted me on whatsapp one day asking me if I remembered what I said to her the day I visited her. By this time I had already forgotten about it.

She told me that everything I described to her on the man she would marry is the man she got married to.

Of cause I was very excited and teased her that she would have to bring prophets offering (she hasn't brought any and of cause I was joking).

I compared this two stories. In one instance one was not delivered and in the other instance the other was delivered.

Please I want you to still keep reading, I'm about to say something that will disrupt your thinking.

If you are a good bible student you will remember the case of Apostle Paul.

Apostle Paul who happens to be one of the greatest Apostles that ever lived. Sought the Lord three times. He was practically pleading with God to take away the thorns in his flesh. Many Theologians have said that this torn was a sickness.

What was God's responds to Paul?. God said to Paul "My Grace is sufficient and my strength is made perfect in your weakness".

Lets consider another Biblical story of the three Hebrew boys and King Nebuchadnezzar.

This three Hebrew boys refused to bow down to the god of the leader of Babylon the Great.

The punishment for such offense was death. The king tried to persuade the boys to do his biding but they said to him. "we are not careful to answer thee in this matter, If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us out of thine hand, O king."

"But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, That we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up"

BUT IF NOT!. I must say that this boys have the nerve to confront the king of the world power at that time.

Their responds provoked the king and he commanded that the burning fiery furnace be heated up seven time and the boys be thrown into it.

I want to say that not many people who went to Church today went there to hear the preacher say.

"Brethren The Lord asked me to tell you, that whatever you are going through today, His grace is sufficient"

We are an instant generation and want quick fixes to our problems.

The problem is not that we can not stomach MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT but that we are dealing with a God who is able to delivery us but doesn't want to deliver us.

When someone wants to deliver you but cant it becomes a question of POWER.

But when someone can delivery you but won't it becomes a question of LOVE.

How would you feel in the face of great difficult you approach God who you have served faithfully to deliver you from a problem and all you get from Him is my grace is sufficient statement.

Not many of us want to hear that.

God is saying in actual sense, Do you LOVE ME or you are just interested in what I can do.

Not many of us LOVE GOD enough to understand that He is very much involved in our difficulty. He wants to join us go through that difficulty. He wants to be a part of it.

He so much desires we invite Him so He can carry the load for us.
Nobody wants to lose a loved one and I am praying that God gives each and everyone of us the Grace to live long. But as anointed as Apostle Peter was, He is not here with us today.

Jesus Christ had to raise Lazarus from the dead, but Lazarus had to die again.

God wants a LOVE relationship with each and everyone of us. The desperation to seek for solution is what has destroyed the faith of many.

By all means Death is a spirit and must be rebuked. People use all manner of diabolic means to kill one another. You must stand your guard at all times but they are things that will happen to you and you may begin to question the availability of God.received_2103232199960084.jpeg

The devil wants us to question God, he accuses us to God and also accuses God to us.

Ignore him and focus on you LOVE relationship with God.

I have learned to tell the devil, In what I am going through I know my God is able, But if Not I'll still serve him.

You can't decisive me devil. I have a relationship with God and I won't let you come in between us.

Resist the devil and He will flee from you.

Resolve to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all you mind and all your strength and your neighbor as yourself.

Thank you for reading up to this point.

I love you and stay blessed.


Blessings @gifted212, God bless your ministry and keep spreading the word.

Thanks so much