in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

God has no affiliate and the one he love the most, he opens up to whomsoever submit to him. The gospel is a very sure of getting results,
according to the book of Colossians 1:5-6
"the colosians church bear fruit in faith in Christ and love towards the saint according to the hope laid up for the saint in heaven when they receive the gospel of Christ (paraphrased)".
So as long as you receive the engrafted word of God into your spirit, there is a sure potency that the word would produce result. But I have come to see so many believers who can quote the scripture very well yet the word is not telling in their lives, then I asked why, I came to understand that there are so many factors that can actually hinder the gospel from producing fruit in the live of a believer according to the book of matthew 13, the lord Jesus gave a parable concerning a sower who forth to sow, there were three category of seed in the story and the mystery behind them being unfruitful;

  • The believer that lacks understanding:

The first category of believer are the ones the seed fell by the way side, this persons, according to the parable lacked the understanding of the word they received and so because of this the devil stole the word from their heart, and you know one of the reason would lack the understanding of God’s word is the lack of faith, it is by faith we understands mysteries that the natural mind cannot understand (Hebrews 11:3).

  • The believer that lacks meditation :

The second category of believer are those that fell on stony ground, this believers do not lack understanding but do not have in themselves and so when persecution comes because of the word that can no longer stand on that word because they lack the root of the word of God in them. Know this the one way to get the word rooted into you is by meditating and confessing the word of God, according Joshua 1:8.

  • The believer that is too sticked to the world and to material things:

This category of believer are those that fell amongst thorns and thistles, he too do not lack understanding but he is too attached to the world and what it can give, take note the word grew but did not survive it because it was chocked up by the thorns, this is how it is with this persons, they hear the word but because of their so much cares and love for the world they give excuses which would eventually kill the word they know.

  • The fruitful believer:

This is the kind of believer every Christian wants to be like, the one who hears the word and does it after which gets the adequate result. He is endowed with patience, he takes his time to be groomed and built by God’s word, he does not care if the word producing results at the initial state but he is so sure that the word bears fruit in a believer and so with patience and faith he keeps on meditating and confessing the word of God.
The word of God produces result, but it all points down to how faithful you are with it.