
As I stated at the start of this series, one of the things I want to do this month here on my blog is to share some very helpful words of wisdom on love, courtship and marriage.

My wife, @thelovejunkie, is a terrific love catalyst you should read after. I recommend you take the things I'll be sharing here about love everyday this month of February and study them along with the things she writes.

Expect this to be eye opening. I'll be as simple as possible and as direct as I should be.

Over the years you've heard and read a lot of things that really don't work. So, I'll endeavour not to bore you with stuff that can't hold water in the long run.

The Word of God is always dependable and I love the fact that it addresses every matter of interest you can think about.

A Brief Recap

We have considered quite a number of important things. If you've been following this series I want to believe that you've personally taken out time to go through the story of how Isaac and Rebekah met.


This is just one very instructive story among others in the Bible. Sometime in the future we might consider several other Biblical love stories and just draw wisdom out of God's Word.

In the last post in this series we looked at how Rebekah displayed the attitude of kindness, servitude and sacrifice on a day she didn't know her actions would count the most.

We also saw that the Eleazar placed greater emphasis on virtue and character as he prayed that God should direct him to the right woman for his master's son, Isaac. We saw that he didn't ask for a curvy lady with sexy eyes and a pretty face.

Today we'll be considering other vital truths from this ever green love story.

Don't be Deceived, God has Someone He has Appointed

We see in Genesis 24:14 that the servant said in his prayer to God,

This is my request: When I ask one of them for a drink and she says, ‘Yes, certainly, and I will water your camels too!’—let her be the one you have appointed as Isaac’s wife. That is how I will know.”

Today there are many people who think the whole process of getting a life partner doesn't matter to God. They believe God is not concerned about who you marry or do not marry, and therefore, there's no need to talk to God about your choice of a life partner.

But that's not true. God does care about the details of your life and if we allow Him help us, He really wants to help us succeed in every aspect of life. He doesn't seem to control your life against your will but He can help you make the right decision if you care to ask Him for assistance.

Don't you think the God who cares enough to assign a special code number to every strand of hair on your head also cares enough to help you not miss it in marriage?


If He cares about minor things like your hair and the birds that fly, then he should care about major things like your marriage.

Abraham's servant certainly knew God would be willing to offer him help in this matter of choosing a wife for Isaac, so, he prayed to God.

He believed there was someone God had prepared for Isaac and that God would bring that person to him if He asked for help from God.

The Place of Prayer.

We often make errors because we do not take things to the Lord in prayer. It's important that you do not miss this part even in choosing a life partner.

The truth is that, you're not wise enough to lead yourself through life. It's therefore smart to leverage on the higher wisdom of God.

Here's how the prophet Jeremiah put it:

Jeremiah 10:23 (NKJV)
O Lord , I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.

Many unmarried persons haven't realised that they cannot direct their own steps aright.

The thought that you're capable of leading yourself and running your own affairs without the help of God is one of the deceptions of pride that many have fallen into and now have bitter stories to tell.

Like the servant of Abraham, you have to realise you need help in choosing right.

Anyone can pick and choose anybody they want to marry but there are some of us who see ourselves like Isaac. We know we're special and and that we shouldn't just marry anybody. We want the person that God has appointed for us.

Acknowledging God when Choosing a Life Partner

There's a very beautiful verse of scripture that comes to mind here as we talk about seeking the help of God on the issue of choosing a life partner.

Proverbs 3:6
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

This verse shows us clearly that if we allow God and the knowledge of His will influence us as we decide on who to marry, God will cause us not to miss His best for us.

Prayer is one major way we acknowledge God in our affairs.

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This servant acknowledged God when he arrived at that well and we can see that as a result, his steps were directed by God.

God Leads

God does lead people in choosing a life partner. Later on in the story we get to see that the servant said God led him to Rebekah's family

I have spoken to several persons along these lines before and I think it's just important to bring this up here.

I want to share a few scriptures that make it crystal clear that God does lead a person to find a life partner, if only they allow Him guide them.

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So, next time when you hear them say God does not help His children choose a life partner, tell them you believe these scriptures:

  • Genesis 24:14
    Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say, ‘Please let down your pitcher that I may drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink’— LET HER BE THE ONE THAT YOU HAVE APPOINTED FOR YOUR SERVANT ISAAC. And by this I will know that You have shown kindness to my master.”

  • Psalm 47:4
    HE SHALL CHOOSE OUR INHERITANCE FOR US, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. Selah.

  • Proverbs 19:14
    House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and A PRUDENT WIFE IS FROM THE LORD.

  • Genesis 24:27 (Living Bible)
    “Thank you, Lord God of my master Abraham,” he prayed; “thank you for being so kind and true to him, and FOR LEADING ME STRAIGHT TO THE FAMILY OF MY MASTER'S RELATIVES."

I know anyone reading this who's yet to be married has seen very clearly that it's not smart to leave God out when making the choice of a life partner.