in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)


As I stated at the beginning of this month, one of the things I want to do this month here on my blog is to share some very helpful words of wisdom on love, courtship and marriage.

My wife, @thelovejunkie, is a terrific love catalyst you should read after. I recommend you take the things I'll be sharing here about love everyday this month of February and study them along with the things she writes.

Expect this to be eye opening. I'll be as simple as possible and as direct as I should be.

Over the years you've heard and read a lot of things that really don't work. So, I'll endeavour not to bore you with stuff that can't hold water in the long run.

The Word of God is always dependable and I love the fact that it addresses every matter of interest you can think about.

Why Do Ladies Say No?

Every lady has a right to make a decision whether or not to accept the request of a man to marry her.

Today we want to look at a few reasons why a lady might say no to a man who asks her to marry him.

I expect this to be very helpful in more ways than one to different people in different situations.


So, below are some reasons why a lady might say no.

1. If the Man Skips the Step of Friendship

Friendship is very important in any relationship that will last long. Some people are yet to understand how important friendship is.

A lady wants a friend she can fall to, talk with and just feel free with.

To seek to marry a woman without first being friendly to her, is a strategy that will put her off more often than not.

The Bible says a friend loves at all times

Proverbs 17:17 (KJV)
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is there for times of trouble.

A lady might say no when there's no phase of friendship before the proposal.

A woman feels only someone who's first her friend or who at least is friendly in their approach, can really love her the way she desires to be loved.

Young men should learn how to build good friendships with ladies because women are emotional beings. They respond to friendship.

2. Lack of Leadership Potential

A husband is the leader in the marriage relationship. That leadership capacity should be developed before he seeks a wife, not abandoned until after he's married.

Here's a scripture that can help you understand this:

1 Corinthians 11:3 (OEBus)
But I am anxious that you should understand that the Christ is the head of every man, that man is the head of woman, and that God is the head of the Christ.

When a man comes to ask a woman to marry him, the woman weighs his leadership capacity.

She's going to be submitting to him in the marriage, so, she wants to know if he really has what it takes to lead her. She wants to be sure he can play the role of the head in that marriage.

If she doesn't draw any remarkable inspiration from him, she'll most likely reject his marriage proposal. . She's not saying no because he's not a good person but because he's not the kind of person she wants to lead her.

3. Love Deficiency

Love is not primarily a feeling. Love is an action and a behavior. The behavior of love is described in 1 Corinthians 13.

We see there that love is patient, love is kind, love bears all things etc. From verse 4 to verse 8 of that chapter we see love described. It doesn't say there that love is sex because it isn't.

Sex is not love and love isn't sex.

So, when a guy keeps telling a lady that he's incredibly sexually attracted to her but cannot be patient with her, cannot be kind towards her, cannot bear her when she falters but explodes in anger over her mistakes, the truth is that he doesn't love her.

A sensible lady would say no to a marriage proposal from such a man because she clearly sees that he's lacking in the traits of love.

She knows that the primary assignment the man has been given by God towards his wife is to love her, so she'd decline his proposal because he's the opposite of what 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 says love is.

A woman wants to see that the man is willing to demonstrate love to her, not just to sleep with her and get to the climax of his own sexual expectations.

4. No Sense of Purpose

This is one of the reasons why many godly and sensible women said no to several persons to whom they said no to.

Even was made to be a suitable helper for Adam. The main task was given to Adam by God. Eve was brought to Adam to help him.

The woman is a helper. Her role is to assist, not to bear the major brunt. Some men have not discovered what exactly they're meant to do in life.

How can a woman agree to help you when you don't even have a clue what you ought to be doing with your life?

Therefore, a lady may say no if she realizes the man in question doesn't have a clear sense of his purpose. If there's nothing major he has dedicated his life to, what then will she assist him to do?

To be Continued...

In the next and concluding part of this post, I will share a few more reasons why a lady might decline the marriage proposal of a man.

I hope this helped you somewhat. Thanks for reading.


A woman who says no to a man she has been dating for years, seems to not have purpose too? Why date long when you won't marry that man? Need answers please. Nice one!