Peter: From Fisherman to Fisher's of Men

in #christian-trail5 years ago

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” 11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. – Luke 5:10b.-11


They know him as Simon, a man who is so impulsive, hot headed and governed by his unpredictable attitude and no one ever realize that one day, the man Simon will encounter the life-changing power of Jesus Christ and will follow and serve Him for the rest of his life.

Peter’s spiritual walk changed dynamically, when he was introduced to Jesus by his brother Andrew. We can read this encounter in the gospel of John 1:40-42.

“One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus. Now when Jesus looked at him, He said, “You are Simon the son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas.”

Now the word ‘cephas’ is an Aramaic word and when translated in Greek it means ‘Petros” which literally means ‘stone” or “rock.” From this encounter and proclamation, His master gave Simon more than just a new name—Jesus convey a powerful anticipation of how He will going to mold Peter is a way that he will become a useful vessel for God’s glory!


The second encounter of Peter’s calling with Jesus happened in Luke chapter 5. The chapter begins by showing how Jesus taught the multitude at the Lake of Gennesaret. The crowds were gathering to hear Jesus and a small group of fishermen were also there, they are busy cleaning their nets. For sure they have a long tiring nights fishing, and the saddest part was they went back at the shore bringing their boats empty. As the story told, Jesus focused on one the boats owned by Simon.

Back in the first encounter of Peter to Jesus, he only believes and follows Jesus half-heartedly. He never seen Jesus yet works in a powerful, miraculous way. But now Jesus was setting up a claim on all that Peter was—and He begun by challenging what little Peter had.

As we anticipate the next action Jesus would do, he sat down to teach, using Simon’s boat as His podium and from Simon’s part, what was about to happen would make his life never the same again. As he witnessed by his own eyes the miraculous catching of fish Jesus had performed, he cannot help but to fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying: “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken. - (Luke 5:8-9)

Notice what Simon’s heartfelt response was not about the number of fishes he had caught. What he realized during those moments that he was in the presence of the one who gave his life and everything that he had. Truly Peter was marveled because what had happened was beyond his imagination and reasoning—“He said: They went fishing the whole night and catches nothing…” reason enough for him not to obey Jesus command yet he obeyed him anyways…” For Simon, that was a miracle that only God could have done it.

When everything was already said and done then Jesus started to reaffirm Simon Peter’s calling by saying: “Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” So they pulled theirs boats up on shore, left everything and followed Him.” (vv. 10-11)

Jesus invited Simon on a journey of faith that would radically transform his whole life, giving him a new perspective and a new attitude. As the late G. Campbell Morgan have said: “Oh the infinite music of it. He first said, fear not. He said it to that man, that elemental man, great emotional soul; the man who did not seem to have strength to arrive anywhere; and he said it to him conscious of his failure.” That man is Simon the fisherman! Jesus made him from nothing to something worthy of God’s calling.

There is a great calling ahead in Peter’s life. There is a great ministry in front of him—shepherding the sheep of the Lord. Jesus brings out the best in Peter’s character from fishermen to a humble disciple and soon He will become a martyr Apostle.


We are like Peter. His life was tainted with so many failures even up to the last minute of Jesus 3 year’s life on earth. If not for God’s marvelous grace, he will never be restored. Thanks be to our Lord Jesus, He never leave his friend (Peter) that even in his deepest struggles he provide the cross and the resurrection so that the life of Peter may be restored and get back on the right track again.

True to us as well. Despite of so many failures in life and mistakes we have made and to the point of turning our back to Jesus yet he remain a Savior and Lord for us. Reaching us as his true friend, willingly died on our behalf so that his death and resurrection may be revealed and manifested in us. GOD BLESSES OUR JOURNEY IN CHRIST!



According to the Bible, In Matthew 17: 1-5, was Matthew in the mountain with Jesus?

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