How to woo an holy lady in the church

Some years back, I went for a Christian camp retreat, then I saw a very beautiful, fair lady who probably will be in her mid 20s or less, and I fell in love straight away. She was so beautiful that I lost concentration in what the preacher was preaching.
I looked at her and made her realized I was looking at her, at first, she wasn’t comfortable but I was all smiling when ever we had eye contact, this then made her a little bit more comfortable. After the teaching for that period, I went straight up to meet her, but before I got up, a friend who noticed the way i was gazing at her pulled me back and told me she’s the pastors daughter, that she just graduated from a theological school in Canada, she just got back to Nigeria like a week ago or so.

When I heard theology school, my head banged!!!
What will I tell her?
The pastors child, who’s also in the step of being a pastor?
Will she even listen to me?
I really have feelings for her, but how will I tell her?
These and more were banging in my head, but I decided to walk up to her, after all, I’m a man who loves getting what I want.

The following conversation took place between us.
Me: Hi dear, how are you doing?
Her: I’m good, you?
Me: I’m very good, especially seeing you here
Her: (giggles) you’ve been staring at me ever since
Me: I’m sorry for that dear, you’re just so beautiful
Her: (started getting uncomfortable) thank you, but do you know we’re in the presence of God?
Me: (I became weak, and answered in a low tone) yes

Then we became silent, this time I couldn’t really look at her anymore.
Then she started the conversation again
Her: anyway, I’m Victoria, I prefer Vickky
Me: I’m Nelson
Her: How did you hear of this program?
Me: I’m a member of the church on campus so I and some other people came from school university of Lagos.
Vickky: wow!!! That’s good. Hope you’re a devoted Christian?
Me: I’m trying my best
Vickky: Trying? (Her eyes almost popped out of her eye socket, like this is the first time she’ll be hearing something like that)
Me: yeah (now I’m now getting not too comfortable)
Vickky: (in a calm voice) can I ask you a question?
Me: of course (now I’m getting more interested)
Vickky: Are you born again? Please tell me the truth.
Me: (I just thought to myself that, I just told you I’m trying my best in becoming a devoted Christian and the look on her face said it all, how will she feel if I tell her I’m not) hmmmm
Vickky: is that a yes or a no (you could Immediately read in her face that she’s definitely disappointed)
Me: I’m trying (I’m not comfortable lying, it’s better I tell her the truth then let what will be be.
Vickky: (shaking her head) please when the alter call is being made, go out and give your life to Christ fully. Thank you
Me: ok, I will.
Vickky: alright have a good day (she turned and was about to leave)
Me: please Vickky, can I ask you a question?
Vickky: (turned back to face me) of course, go ahead.
Me: do you have a boyfriend?
Vickky: No. I don't want a boyfriend (you can see the confidence on her face)
Genesis 2:18
“Then God said, It’s not good for a man to be alone. I’ll make a helper suitable for him.”
Vickky: But I don't know you or love you, how can I be your helper (getting confused from her look)
Me:1John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love”
Vickky: So how do l discern that your words are true?
Me:Matthew 12: 34" For the mouth speak what the heart is full of.”
Vickky: But how can I be sure that you are faithful and honest?
Me:Mark 13:31”Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”
Vickky: But why me? There are so many girls out there, who are more sophisticated and beautiful
Me:Proverbs 31:29"Many women do noble things but you surpass them all!
Vickky: But what do see in me, that makes you love me so fast? (Looking like she wants to catch a thief)
Me:songs of Songs 4:7”You are all together beautiful, my darling; There is no flaw in you.”
Vickky: But really, I'm not that beautiful you're exaggerating, you’re just trying to deceive me
Me:Proverbs:31:30”Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Songs of Solomon 4:7”thou art all fair, my love; And there is no spot in thee”
Vickky: What will happen if I say yes to you?
Me:Genesis 2:24”That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife and they become one flesh.
Vickky: How come you know many scriptures by heart? And you even know the exact one to use at a particular time (feeling surprised, shocked, excited, funny, amazed)
Me:Joshua 1:8”Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it, then you will be prosperous and make good success”
Vickky: woooooow I can see you really read the Bible and you really love God(now it’s obvious she just want to kiss me or at least touch me)
Me:”Psalm 34:8"Taste and see what the Lord is good: blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him! (This time, she’s reciting the passage with me with a huge and relieving smile)
Vickky: Hmmmm. Ok please just give me sometime to think about this
Me:Philippines 4:8”Finally, brothers and sisters whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things”
Vickky: OWWWW honestly, I’m loving you already, you’re so sweet
Me:Revelation 22:21”AMEN”

Before I knew it, she hugged and kissed me (slightly), she then said, please don’t give me a passage to show who kissed and hugged...
We both laughed together and walked to get what we wanted to eat.
Then happy ever after we lived.
Thanks for your time.


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