in #christian6 years ago


I pray that Almighty God will grant unto us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him as you read.

Who's a new believer in Christ?
To know if you're a believer in Christ or not let's go through things that shows Who a believer in Christ is not.

1). A believer in Christ is NOT one born by Christian parents into a Christian home. Godly heritage does not confer salvation.

2). A believer in Christ is NOT one who
attends church faithfully and does his religious duties faithfully. Church membership does not confer salvation.

3). A believer in Christ is NOT one who is morally okay. Doing your best is simply not enough.

4). A believer in Christ is NOT one who believes that the Bible is the word of God etc. it is not how many translations of the truth you have that matters but how many truth of the Bible you have translated into your personal life.

5). A believer in Christ is NOT someone who MERELY believes Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world.


Who then is a believer in Christ?
According to the Bible, a believer in Christ is:
a. Someone who acknowledge in sincerity that he is a sinner before God.

b. Someone who hears the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ AND makes INTELLIGENT response with how whole HEART AND WILL (not just emotions or feelings) to surrender his life to Jesus and make Jesus his own PERSONAL Lord and Saviour.

c. Someone who on making the decision above CONSCIOUSLY turns from and forsake ALL thatvhe presently knows to be wrong and sinful and RESOLUTELY follows the way Jesus as revealed in the pages of the Bible.

If you readers are not sure you meet these criteria, will you like to do so NOW, NO ONE knows the time when the Son of man will come cause it's gonna be like the coming of a thief in the night when some(those that haven't received JESUS as their Lord and Savior) will be asleep and others(those that have received JESUS as their Lord and Savior ) will be awake waiting.


Here is a simple prayer that you can offer in faith to God to change your state"

Dear Heavenly Father,
I realize I am a sinner with no living relationship with You.
I acknowledge my sins before You and ask Your pardon for these sins because if the work of Your Sin, Jesus Christ.
I repent and turn away from my sinful past now and ask You Lord Jesus to come into my heart now as my Lord and Savior.
Thank You for doing it Lord. (Amen)

After you have prayed this prayer, I will implore you to read more of this, this is just the Phase 1, and by God's grace more will still come your way showing and teaching how we can build a sound relationships with God.


so true. :) I am a sinner but by God's grace, I am saved. :)

Yeah we are all saved by the grace brought through the death of the Son of God. After that then we must walk in the way the truth and the light which leads to eternal life.