in #christian7 years ago


Matthew 26:39

And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou [wilt].(KJV)

Today, we shall look at 5 other reasons why people reject the will of God. Yesterday, we shall at two reasons yesterday and I hope we wrap it up today.

He/she is from a poor background and you want to marry from a rich background. I will rather marry a partner I can build wealth with than to marry a partner that has built his wealth on his/her own. In the future, he/she can begin to boast of how wealthy he/she was when you meet. Do you know who you are? God has kept the wealth of many nations in you and here you are looking for a man that is wealthy or a lady that is from a rich family.

He/she cannot speak fluently the way you wanted it. I have heard about people who quit their relationship because the other partner could not speak the kind of English they love. They want a man that can speak Queen ’s English as if that is what it takes to have a wonderful marriage. I meet a lady who told me that one of the things she is looking for in a man is a man that can pronounce words like a British man. I laughed at her not because she can’t find a man like that but because that is not what it takes to make marriage work. You need more than English.

He/she is not ‘sound spiritually’ by your definition. Although a born again, Holy Spirit filled, sanctified and purpose driven child of God might still have problem with his marriage if he/she chose wrongly or does not prepare adequately for marriage.

Maybe the person is not a member of your denomination or fellowship. The reason why many people are not married is because they want to marry from their denomination. A Baptist member want to marry a Baptist member, a Methodist does not want to marry from another church; a Redeemed member is looking for a partner from Redeemed. I know so many people who married by the will of God from another denomination and today they are happy for it. I always tell singles not to marry from the church but they should marry from the family of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17.

The career is not having societal recognition or low pay unlike your intended career that has great recognition and admiration in the labour market.

Action Point: Why do you want to marry that man or that lady?

Prayer Point: I decide today to accept the will of God has the good will for my life.